Books recommended by Jessica Alba

6 Books Recommended by Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

Here is a list of Jessica Alba's favourite books.
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Books from Jessica Alba

This is Marketing

So geht Marketing heute auch Der Marketing-Guru Seth Godin weiß: Heute werden Produkte nicht mehr durch aufsehenerregende Werbeblöcke oder nervende Spam-Mailings vermarktet– jedenfalls nicht erfolgreich. Ob für Technologie- Start-ups, Kleinunternehmer oder Konzernmitarbeiter, das Umfeld hat sich für alle geändert. Die Kunden erwarten keine Produkte mehr, sie erwarten angepasste Problemlösungen. Godin gewährt erstmalig einen kompakten Einblick in seine ganze Marketingerfahrung. Er belegt mit konkreten Beispielen, dass effektives Marketing heute nur durch Einfühlungsvermögen, Service, Spannung, Vertrauen und die richtige Positionierung gelingt. Und zeigt, was alles nötig ist, um Menschen wieder mit guter Arbeit zu erreichen.
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Books from Jessica Alba

Unleashing the Ideavirus

Counter to traditional marketing wisdom which tries to count, measure and manipulate the spread of information, bestselling author Seth Godin argues that the information can spread most effectively from customer to customer, rather than from business to customer. Godin calls this powerful customer-to-customer dialogue the ideavirus and cheerfully eggs markets on to create an environment where their ideas can replicate and spread. In lively detail, Godin looks at ways companies such as Napster, Hotmail, GeoCites and even Volkswagen, have successfully launched ideavirus. Godin provides all the ingredients so anyone can start their own ideavirus epidemic. He identifies key factors to show how any business, large or small, can use ideavirus marketing. Now all businesses can succeed in a world that just doesn't want to hear anymore from traditional marketers. Who but Godin could teach consumers the importance of powerful sneezers, hives, velocity, a clear vector, and a smooth, friction-free transmission? Readers will learn much more, including * Why ideas matter. * Seven easy an ideavirus can help you * How to dramatically increase the chances your ideavirus will spread * The importan
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Books from Jessica Alba

All Marketers are Liars

The indispensable classic on marketing by the bestselling author of Tribes and Purple Cow. Legendary business writer Seth Godin has three essential questions for every marketer: “What’s your story?” “Will the people who need to hear this story believe it?” “Is it true?” All marketers tell stories. And if they do it right, we believe them. We believe that wine tastes better in a $20 glass than a $1 glass. We believe that an $80,000 Porsche is vastly superior to a $36,000 Volkswagen that’s virtually the same car. We believe that $225 sneakers make our feet feel better—and look cooler—than a $25 brand. And believing it makes it true. As Seth Godin has taught hundreds of thousands of marketers and students around the world, great marketers don’t talk about features or even benefits. Instead, they tell a story—a story we want to believe, whether it’s factual or not. In a world where most people have an infinite number of choices and no time to make them, every organization is a marketer, and all marketing is about telling stories. Marketers succeed when they tell us a story that fits our worldview, a story that we intuitively embrace and then share with our friends. Think of the Dyson vacuum cleaner, or Fiji water, or the iPod. But beware: If your stories are inauthentic, you cross the line from fib to fraud. Marketers fail when they are selfish and scurrilous, when they abuse the tools of their trade and make the world worse. That’s a lesson learned the hard way by telemarketers, cigarette companies, and sleazy politicians. But for the rest of us, it’s time to embrace the power of the story. As Godin writes, “Stories make it easier to understand the world. Stories are the only way we know to spread an idea. Marketers didn’t invent storytelling. They just perfected it.”
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Books from Jessica Alba

The Dip

A New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestseller In this iconic bestseller, popular business blogger and bestselling author Seth Godin proves that winners are really just the best quitters. Godin shows that winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt—until they commit to beating the right Dip. Every new project (or job, or hobby, or company) starts out fun…then gets really hard, and not much fun at all. You might be in a Dip—a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. But maybe it’s really a Cul-de-Sac—a total dead end. What really sets superstars apart is the ability to tell the two apart. Winners seek out the Dip. They realize that the bigger the barrier, the bigger the reward for getting past it. If you can beat the Dip to be the best, you’ll earn profits, glory, and long-term security. Whether you’re an intern or a CEO, this fun little book will help you figure out if you’re in a Dip that’s worthy of your time, effort, and talents. The old saying is wrong—winners do quit, and quitters do win.
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Books from Jessica Alba


This life-changing manifesto shows how you have the potential to make a huge difference wherever you are. Few authors have had the kind of lasting impact and global reach that Seth Godin has had. In a series of now-classic books that have been translated into 36 languages and reached millions of readers around the world, he has taught generations of readers how to make remarkable products and spread powerful ideas. In Linchpin, he turns his attention to the individual, and explains how anyone can make a significant impact within their organization. There used to be two teams in every workplace: management and labor. Now there's a third team, the linchpins. These people figure out what to do when there's no rule book. They delight and challenge their customers and peers. They love their work, pour their best selves into it, and turn each day into a kind of art. Have you ever found a shortcut that others missed? Seen a new way to resolve a conflict? Made a connection with someone others couldn't reach? Even once? Then you have what it takes to become indispensable, by overcoming the resistance that holds people back. Linchpin will show you how to join the likes of... · Keith Johnson, who scours flea markets across the country to fill Anthropologie stores with unique pieces. · Jason Zimdars, a graphic designer who got his dream job at 37signals without a résumé. · David, who works at Dean and Deluca coffee shop in New York. He sees every customer interaction as a chance to give a gift and is cherished in return. As Godin writes, "Every day I meet people who have so much to give but have been bullied enough or frightened enough to hold it back. It's time to stop complying with the system and draw your own map. You have brilliance in you, your contribution is essential, and the art you create is precious. Only you can do it, and you must."
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Books from Jessica Alba

Purple Cow

You're either a Purple Cow or you're not. You're either remarkable or invisible. Make your choice.What do Apple, Starbucks, Dyson and Pret a Manger have in common? How do they achieve spectacular growth, leaving behind former tried-and-true brands to gasp their last? The old checklist of P's used by marketers - Pricing, Promotion, Publicity - aren't working anymore. The golden age of advertising is over. It's time to add a new P - the Purple Cow.Purple Cow describes something phenomenal, something counterintuitive and exciting and flat-out unbelievable. In his new bestseller, Seth Godin urges you to put a Purple Cow into everything you build, and everything you do, to create something truly noticeable. It's a manifesto for anyone who wants to help create products and services that are worth marketing in the first place.
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