People from Jack Nicholson

Marc Chagall

Jack Nicholson
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
I like to play people that haven't existed yet, a future something, a cusp character. I have that creative yearning. Much in the way Chagall flies figures into the air - once it becomes part of the conventional wisdom, it doesn't seem particularly adventurous or weird or wild. . .
People recommended by Jack Nicholson
5 people

5 Artists Jack Nicholson Likes

Their paintings are hanging in his living room.
Jack Nicholson
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
Their paintings are hanging in his living room.
People recommended by Jack Nicholson
3 people

3 Filmmakers Jack Nicholson Admires

Jack Nicholson
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
People from Jack Nicholson

Marcel Duchamp

Jack Nicholson
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter
This is very young thinking, I confess, but it is the seminal part of my life. This was the collage period in painting, the influence of Duchamp and others. The idea of not building monuments was very strong among idealistic people.