Books recommended by Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck Reading List 2019 - 2020

Glenn Beck

Fresh reading list collected from Glenn Beck's social media recommendations. 6 books in various genres covering numerous topics! Enjoy Glenn Beck reading list 2019 - 2020.
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Books from Glenn Beck

All Gifts, Bestowed

Reading @JoshuaGayou All Gifts Bestowed. I have re Reading Mary Shelly and watching all of the old Frankenstein movies. All of them miss the heart and real questions of the book. But isn’t AGI or ASI the same question Shelly was...
Books from Glenn Beck

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

A book, I can’t wait to read, and rolling in at about 700 pages #theageofsurveillancecapitalism makes me wonder if I will be anole to find the time. This weekend I guess.
Books from Glenn Beck

The Last Odyssey

"One of the world's best storytellers." --Huffington Post For eons, the city of Troy--whose legendary fall was detailed in Homer's Iliad--was believed to be myth, until archaeologists in the nineteenth century uncovered its ancient walls...
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Books from Glenn Beck

The Lincoln Conspiracy

Did you know there was a plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln BEFORE he was president? Bestselling author @BradMeltzer's new book, "The Lincoln Conspiracy," tells the story, and THIS is just one of the amazing scenes.
Books from Glenn Beck

The United States of Trump

I am about halfway through ⁦@BillOReilly⁩’s tome on Trump out in September. It will be his best selling book yet. Tough questions and even uncomfortable answers but fair and a very different look at ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩.
Books from Glenn Beck

Unfreedom of the Press

@marklevinshow's new book, "Unfreedom of the Press" is an ESSENTIAL read for 2019!