Music recommended by Emma Thompson
5 songs

TOP 5 Emma Thompson's Favorite Songs

Here is a list of Emma Thompson's favorite songs. Enjoy!
Emma Thompson
Here is a list of Emma Thompson's favorite songs. Enjoy!
Music from Emma Thompson

A Ceremony Of Carols — Benjamin Britten

Emma Thompson
After selecting one of her father Eric Thompson’s songs for the British kids’ TV show The Magic Roundabout, Emma kept things classical with Benjamin Britten’s ‘A Ceremony of Carols’ – which continues to bring back fond memories of Christmases past – before naming ‘Candido’ by Inti-Illimani who came together following the assassination of Chilean freedom songwriter Victor Jara.
Music from Emma Thompson

Corarsik — Patrick Doyle

Emma Thompson
Her first track, ‘Corarsik’, is an ode to that beloved highland dwelling. “This piece of music is by the Scottish film composer Patrick Doyle, who I’ve known since I was 23,” she explained.
Music from Emma Thompson

Heal the Pain — George Michael

Emma Thompson
George Michael’s “Heal the Pain” “It’s my favorite song by him. ‘Heal the Pain,’ which is not one that a lot of people know, features strongly in our film and expresses a huge amount of what the film’s about, which is looking after yourself, taking responsibility for yourself and understanding that it’s complex and hard to be a human, and that it’s all right to be inconsistent and uncertain.”