Articles recommended by Elon Musk

7 Articles on Science Recommended by Elon Musk

Elon Musk

7 Articles on different scientific topics as a suggested reading from Elon Musk.
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Articles from Elon Musk

Global warming vs climate change

Good article on "Climate Change" vs "Global Warming"
Articles from Elon Musk

Another Global Warming Record: Arctic Sea Ice Reaches Record Low Maximum

Great article by @BadAstronomer. Important to note max temp record. Too much attention on avg temp. Max matters most
Articles from Elon Musk

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 1 - Wait But Why

Worth reposting the Wait But Why piece on AI. We are at the beginning of exponential growth in digital intelligence.
Articles from Elon Musk

Opinion | Your Brain on Fiction

Good NYT article from several years ago about the value of fiction
Articles from Elon Musk

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Part 2 - Wait But Why

Excellent and funny intro article about Artificial Superintelligence! Highly recommend reading
Articles from Elon Musk

Block 5 rocket launch marks the end of the beginning for SpaceX

Good piece by Ars.
Articles from Elon Musk

Opinion | The Man in the Moon

This piece about Mars in the NYT is worth a read.