Goods from David Allen

Sequence Game

Play a card from your hand, and place a chip on a corresponding space on the game board - when you have five in a row, it's a Sequence.. Each player or team tries to score the required number of five-card sequences before their opponents.. Exciting gameplay develops STEM skills like Strategy
David Allen
Entrepreneur, Writer
Serious Sequence game in play w/my partner & opponent for a wild & crazy Saturday night.
Goods from David Allen

Château Godeau L'Eau Saint Emilion Grand Cru 2013

David Allen
Entrepreneur, Writer
Drinking my winnings at roulette! What happens in Vegas...(stays in social media!)
Goods from David Allen

Edi Keber Collio Bianco

David Allen
Entrepreneur, Writer
Stunning white wine tasted at the source today in Friulia.
Goods from David Allen


Tagine-style donabe. Authentic Iga-Yaki pottery, by Nagatani-en from Iga, Japan.
David Allen
Entrepreneur, Writer
Today made Japanese BBQ chicken wings in my new Fukkura-san stovetop cooker!
Goods from David Allen

Château David Beaulieu

David Allen
Entrepreneur, Writer
Just couldn’t resist...