TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Сериал Содержанки 2 сезон смотреть онлайн бесплатно!

Со вторым сезоном возвращается отечественный сериал Содержанки. Авторы рассказывают о богатой столичной жизни и попытках приезжих людей откусить кусочек этой роскоши. Среди гламура и шелка находятся самые пронырливые девушки, которые умудрились завести особо выгодные для своего кошелька отношения. Такие особы действительно умеют впечатлить способностью охмурять мужчин и манипулировать ими так, как хочется. Главная героиня Даша - простая девушка из провинции, которая вынуждена втянуться в эту московскую жизнь. Е путь будет непростым, но он изменит девушку до неузнаваемости.
Dasha Borysova
Со вторым сезоном возвращается отечественный сериал Содержанки. Авторы рассказывают о богатой столичной жизни и попытках приезжих людей откусить кусочек этой роскоши. Среди гламура и шелка находятся самые пронырливые девушки, которые умудрились завести особо выгодные для своего кошелька отношения. Такие особы действительно умеют впечатлить способностью охмурять мужчин и манипулировать ими так, как хочется. Главная героиня Даша - простая девушка из провинции, которая вынуждена втянуться в эту московскую жизнь. Е путь будет непростым, но он изменит девушку до неузнаваемости.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Бывшие 2 сезон 1 - 8 серия смотреть онлайн

Портал Гуд-зона предоставляет уникальный способ Бывшие 2 сезон 1 - 8 серия смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве hd из категории Сериал бесплатно 2020-04-20
Dasha Borysova
Портал Гуд-зона предоставляет уникальный способ Бывшие 2 сезон 1 - 8 серия смотреть онлайн в хорошем качестве hd из категории Сериал бесплатно 2020-04-20
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova


Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.
Dasha Borysova
Moscow, present day. The city of big money, passion, gorgeous women and wealthy men, receptions and dangerous intrigue. Dasha, an art historian from the province, who came to the capital, dreams of a new, better life, but a mysterious and cruel incident will change everything.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Мир наизнанку

Впечатляющее тревел-шоу 1+1 о странах, в которые не принято ездить по туристическим путевкам. Съемочная группа - это команда из двух отчаянных парней. Путешественник-экстремал Дмитрий Комаров и оператор Александр Дмитриев отправляются в наиболее таинственные уголки планеты. Их не пугают ни горы, ни джунгли, ни даже страшные обычаи диких племен. Попав в далекую страну, команда на несколько месяцев поселяется в ней, чтобы показать зрителям «мир наизнанку». Только так можно по-настоящему понять страну, увидеть ее изнутри, познакомиться с интересными людьми.
Dasha Borysova
Впечатляющее тревел-шоу 1+1 о странах, в которые не принято ездить по туристическим путевкам. Съемочная группа - это команда из двух отчаянных парней. Путешественник-экстремал Дмитрий Комаров и оператор Александр Дмитриев отправляются в наиболее таинственные уголки планеты. Их не пугают ни горы, ни джунгли, ни даже страшные обычаи диких племен. Попав в далекую страну, команда на несколько месяцев поселяется в ней, чтобы показать зрителям «мир наизнанку». Только так можно по-настоящему понять страну, увидеть ее изнутри, познакомиться с интересными людьми.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Туристическая полиция

Tourist police officer Lera wants to investigate serious cases and dangerous crimes. But in her department, they are as rare as the good mood of the boss and the intelligence of her colleagues. Despite this, Lera essentially refuses the “cushy little town”, carefully prepared by her admiral father, and does not give up work in the special division for the protection of public order in Sochi. But just how to continue the service and protect the peace of guests of the city, contacting a thief and a swindler?
Dasha Borysova
Tourist police officer Lera wants to investigate serious cases and dangerous crimes. But in her department, they are as rare as the good mood of the boss and the intelligence of her colleagues. Despite this, Lera essentially refuses the “cushy little town”, carefully prepared by her admiral father, and does not give up work in the special division for the protection of public order in Sochi. But just how to continue the service and protect the peace of guests of the city, contacting a thief and a swindler?
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Записки юного врача

A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.
Dasha Borysova
A young doctor who has graduated at the top of his class from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry is thrust out into an isolated and impoverished country side as the village's only doctor. As he learns to adapt to his new lifestyle, he develops a morphine addiction to stay his sanity while realizing what being a doctor in the real world means.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova


Яна - пациентка реабилитационной клиники для алкоголиков и наркозависимых. Перед ней стоит нелегкий путь к выздоровлению. Но однажды в жизни Яны все меняется. Она встречает Илью - нового психолога-консультанта. Поначалу девушка для него - очередная сложная пациентка, но постепенно Илья начинает видеть таланты Яны, раскрывающиеся в процессе выздоровления. Зарождаются новые чувства, неожиданные для обоих.
Dasha Borysova
Яна - пациентка реабилитационной клиники для алкоголиков и наркозависимых. Перед ней стоит нелегкий путь к выздоровлению. Но однажды в жизни Яны все меняется. Она встречает Илью - нового психолога-консультанта. Поначалу девушка для него - очередная сложная пациентка, но постепенно Илья начинает видеть таланты Яны, раскрывающиеся в процессе выздоровления. Зарождаются новые чувства, неожиданные для обоих.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Полицейский с Рублёвки

The television tragicomic story about a young guy named Grisha Izmailov, who became a policeman and was called to protect peace and order in the most elite area of ​​the city of Moscow and the Russian Federation. The guy has to investigate the cases in which the residents of Rublyovka get involved, and he does this, often exceeding his authority. Grisha is about 30 years old, he is handsome, lonely, rich, cynical, passionate and treats everything with a fair amount of black humor. He takes care of his younger sister Nika, who he is forced to constantly get out of trouble. He regularly mocks his boss, Volodya, who thinks that Grisha was sent to him for all his deadly sins. The main character’s best friend is Mukhich, a colorful, clumsy fat man who has no success with girls. Grisha himself, without exerting effort, knows how to please women, for example, his girlfriend - prostitute Christina, but can never achieve reciprocity from Alena, who has long been in love with.
Dasha Borysova
The television tragicomic story about a young guy named Grisha Izmailov, who became a policeman and was called to protect peace and order in the most elite area of ​​the city of Moscow and the Russian Federation. The guy has to investigate the cases in which the residents of Rublyovka get involved, and he does this, often exceeding his authority. Grisha is about 30 years old, he is handsome, lonely, rich, cynical, passionate and treats everything with a fair amount of black humor. He takes care of his younger sister Nika, who he is forced to constantly get out of trouble. He regularly mocks his boss, Volodya, who thinks that Grisha was sent to him for all his deadly sins. The main character’s best friend is Mukhich, a colorful, clumsy fat man who has no success with girls. Grisha himself, without exerting effort, knows how to please women, for example, his girlfriend - prostitute Christina, but can never achieve reciprocity from Alena, who has long been in love with.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova


Retired mobster tries to get back in business by making friends with the kid of his ex-boss. To do so, he must became PE teacher in kid's school.
Dasha Borysova
Retired mobster tries to get back in business by making friends with the kid of his ex-boss. To do so, he must became PE teacher in kid's school.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova

Слуга народа

Modest and humble teacher Vasily is caught on camera raging over the miserable situation in his country. When a pupil posts the video on Youtube, it becomes a viral sensation. Everybody loves Vasily’s outrage and people start gathering money for a presidential campaign. Which he wins! Servant of the People follows Vasily’s new life as president; he has no interest in changing his life, he wants to stay the same, live in his flat with his parents, borrow money from his friends at the end of the month and take his bike to work; it’s just that now his work is as the most powerful man in the country.
Dasha Borysova
Modest and humble teacher Vasily is caught on camera raging over the miserable situation in his country. When a pupil posts the video on Youtube, it becomes a viral sensation. Everybody loves Vasily’s outrage and people start gathering money for a presidential campaign. Which he wins! Servant of the People follows Vasily’s new life as president; he has no interest in changing his life, he wants to stay the same, live in his flat with his parents, borrow money from his friends at the end of the month and take his bike to work; it’s just that now his work is as the most powerful man in the country.
TV Shows from Dasha Borysova


Forced to become an apprentice cop, cocky playboy Igor finds he's got a knack for police work. But his job soon takes him down a dark personal path.
Dasha Borysova
Forced to become an apprentice cop, cocky playboy Igor finds he's got a knack for police work. But his job soon takes him down a dark personal path.