20 Christopher Hitchens Favorite Books
Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens reading list.
The ultimate selection of Christopher Hitchens' books that he approved and loved.
This list includes his favorite fiction books as well as poems and collections by the authors Christopher Hitchens appreciated.
It is the Christopher Hitchens recommended reading list with his quotes and sources.
Christopher Hitchens was truly loved for his eloquent debate, sometimes controversial opinion, and yet he was always true to his beliefs.
This list of books is a reflection of Christopher Hitchens's intellect, expressiveness, ethics, and journalistic talent.
Enjoy Christopher Hitchens book recommendations!
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Maps for Lost Lovers
Christopher Hitchens said he was reading this book in a C-SPAN interview in 2007.

The Complete Short Stories of Saki
"Begin with, say, 'Sredni Vashtar' or 'The Lumber-Room' or 'The Open Window.' Then see whether you can put the book down." - Christopher Hitchens

The Complete Poems
Christopher Hitchens said this author is one of his favorite poets.

Christopher Hitchens said this author is one of his favorite poets.

The Collected Poems
Christopher Hitchens said this author is one of his favorite poets.

Daniel Deronda
"Can and should be defended from the faint praise and outright sneering which have been directed at it." - Christopher Hitchens

Pale Fire
"Instead of making you want to write, [makes] you wonder why you bother." - Christopher Hitchens

In Search of Lost Time
"[Appears] not to be written by [a human being]." - Christopher Hitchens

George Eliot's Works: Middlemarch
"[Appears] not to be written by [a human being]." - Christopher Hitchens

The Satanic Verses
"[Appears] not to be written by [a human being]." - Christopher Hitchens

The Moor's Last Sigh
"One of [this author's] less-regarded but most magical and musical fictions." - Christopher Hitchens

"Can greatly enrich our understanding of how [the author] transmuted the raw material of everyday experience into some of his best-known novels and polemics." - Christopher Hitchens