TOP 10 Books Recommended by Brian Armstrong

The Alliance
"I found the central concept to be pretty helpful, and it changed how we approach a few things at Coinbase." - Brian Armstrong

High Growth Handbook
"[The author]'s advice has been key for Coinbase as we go through hypergrowth, from hiring executives to improving M&A." - Brian Armstrong

The Female Brain
"Was recommended to me by a female executive who suggested all male CEOs read it. It was quite good." - Brian Armstrong

Becoming Steve Jobs
"A biography of the famous Apple CEO. I read the Walter Isaacson biography last year, but found this one slightly better." - Brian Armstrong

The New One Minute Manager
"It was entertaining and easy to read, but I’m struggling to recall many of the lessons from it, which says something." - Brian Armstrong

The Economics of Microfinance, second edition
"Much of this book was too dense, but it describes what works (and doesn’t work) when giving small loans to people in developing countries." - Brian Armstrong

Turn the Ship Around!
"About enabling leaders in your organization written by the former U.S. Navy Captain of a nuclear submarine." - Brian Armstrong

High Output Management
"Surprisingly, I found I was already using many of the management ideas in this book (1:1, OKRs, etc) which is a testament to just how influential this book is." - Brian Armstrong

The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
"Discusses a way of approaching work where you are curious, eager to learn, and open, instead of focusing on blame, criticism, and commitment to being right." - Brian Armstrong

Eisenhower in War and Peace
"Biography about the general who led the European allied forces in World War II (arguably, saving the free world) who later became president of the United States." - Brian Armstrong