
‘Amazing, Isn’t It?’ Long-Sought Blood Test for Alzheimer’s in Reach
Scientists say such tests could be available in a few years, speeding research for treatments and providing a diagnosis for dementia patients who want to know if they have Alzheimer’s disease.

Bill Gates
It’s hard to overstate how important finding a reliable, affordable, and easy-to-use diagnostic is for stopping Alzheimer’s. This is a big step towards that goal.

Spreading Slow Ideas
We yearn for frictionless technological solutions. But people talking to people is still the way that norms and standards change.

Bill Gates
In his 2013 New Yorker article “Slow Ideas,” the Harvard surgeon Atul Gawande offered a compelling way to understand why some good ideas spread slowly (if at all) while others spread like wildfire.

How the Pandemic Will End
The U.S. may end up with the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the industrialized world. This is how it’s going to play out.

Bill Gates
One of the questions I am most often asked about the #COVID19 pandemic is how, and when, it will end. This article by @edyong209 does a really good job of outlining the steps we need to take.

20 Ways the World Got Better in 2019, in Charts
Last year felt pretty awful most of the time. But if you take the long view, 2019 was actually a relatively amazing year to be alive.

Bill Gates
Progress isn’t always easy to see. These charts show some of the ways that the world is getting better.

10 technologies that could combat climate change as food demand soars
A new study from the World Bank and UN finds we’ll need ways to boost yields faster than ever before to prevent agricultural emissions from soaring.

Bill Gates
10 breakthrough technologies that could help us feed the world and fight climate change at the same time.

The Fight Against Blight
Research into the pathogen that caused the Irish Potato Famine is taking us a step closer to designing blight-resistant crops.

Bill Gates
Good article about scientists who are trying to save lives by building a better potato.

In Search of Energy Miracles
While scientists race to develop a technology, probably nuclear-based, that can slake our energy thirst without a huge environmental cost, it would be folly to wait that long to tackle carbon emissions.

Bill Gates
Important article from @NYTimes about the need for energy miracles. We must drive investment & innovation.

A green evolution
The farms of Africa are prospering at last thanks to persistence, technology and decent government

Bill Gates
A great Economist article on how Africans are attacking the barriers to higher productivity.

Eradicating disease
Viral and parasitic diseases are not only worth killing off, they are also increasingly vulnerable

Bill Gates
Great article in @TheEconomist on why it’s getting easier to stop deadly diseases.

The man who saved millions from starvation
The crops developed by Norman Borlaug have saved millions of people from starvation.

Bill Gates
I learned what’s possible in agriculture from studying a remarkable scientist named Norman Borlaug. If you’re curious about Borlaug and his breakthroughs, I recommend this article and a book called “The Man Who Fed the World.”

The Upwardly Mobile Barista
Starbucks and Arizona State University are collaborating to help cafe workers get college degrees. Is this a model for helping more Americans reach the middle class?

Bill Gates
Excellent article on little-known fact about college: For most Americans the challenge isn’t going; it’s finishing.

Meet Vaclav Smil, the man who has quietly shaped how the world thinks about energy
Microsoft founder Bill Gates just one of his ardent fans

Bill Gates
Vaclav Smil is one of my favorite authors. I’ve read nearly all of his 37 books. This is an excellent overview of how Smil has helped shape how people (myself included) think about energy.

Big Data Can Improve the Health of the World’s Most Vulnerable: Mothers and Children
Traveling recently through Southeast Asia and East Africa, I have been both amazed and appalled by how big data and other digital innovations are changing people’s lives—or not.

Bill Gates
Better tools for collecting and sharing data will help community health workers protect families in the poorest parts of the world.