People from Anne Hathaway

Anjelica Huston

Anjelica Huston is an American actress and director. Known for often portraying eccentric and distinctive characters, she has received multiple accolades, including an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award, as well as nominations for three British Academy Film Awards and six Primetime Emmy Awards.
Anne Hathaway
Would you please take a moment to join me in celebrating Anjelica Huston’s flawless and iconic turn as The Grand High Witch? Her performance is magnificent - witty, unforgettable, scary as hell and sheer perfection (the scene where she pushes the baby down the cliff still gives me chills to this day.) I just wanted to say, one AH to another, that I tip my wig to the O.G.G.H.W. Anjelica Huston.
People from Anne Hathaway

Serena Williams

Anne Hathaway
Making history @serenawilliams #serena #boss #champion
People from Anne Hathaway

Cindy Adams

Anne Hathaway
Got to chat with a legend tonight @sheiscolossal #cindyadams
People from Anne Hathaway

Hugh Jackman

Anne Hathaway
@thehughjackman: congrats on making the #time100 list! Thank you @time for letting me gush about one of my favorite people.
People from Anne Hathaway

Greta Thunberg

Anne Hathaway
Dear @gretathunberg,⁣⁣ Please know that under every bridge that has ever been built there has also been a troll that comes with it–sometimes more than one. ⁣⁣ The bridge–meaning that which connects and elevates–is more important than the troll.⁣⁣ ⁣Stay strong.⁣⁣ Keep going.⁣⁣ ⁣With all my gratitude and support,⁣⁣ Annie⁣⁣
People from Anne Hathaway

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge

Anne Hathaway
Right now, I’m obsessed with Kate Middleton. Obsessed.