Cuisine from Andrew Garfield

Sunday roast

A Sunday roast is a traditional British meal that is typically served on Sunday, consisting of roasted meat, roast potatoes and accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, gravy, and condiments such as apple sauce, mint sauce, or redcurrant jelly.
Andrew Garfield
Garfield’s favorite meal is a Sunday roast, which consists of roast lamb, roast potatoes, and gravy.
Cuisine from Andrew Garfield


Andrew Garfield
However, Garfield has had success finding his second favorite meal, burgers, to help to alleviate the homesickness a little bit.
Cuisine from Andrew Garfield


Bulgogi, literally "fire meat", is a gui made of thin, marinated slices of beef or pork grilled on a barbecue or on a stove-top griddle. It is also often stir-fried in a pan in home cooking. Sirloin, rib eye or brisket are frequently used cuts of beef for the dish.
Andrew Garfield
Garfield said “Thank you for inviting us to Korea. My favorite food is Bul-Go-Gi and I only had it in LA’s Korean restaurant before. I am very happy I can have the real one in Seoul”.