Franklin | 2024
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Updated: 22 Apr 2024
Stacy Schiff Kirk Ellis Tim Van Patten Michael Douglas Richard Plepler Tony Krantz Mark Mostyn Stacy Schiff Matt Rigby Ruy García Ruy García Tom Fleischman Isaac Derfel Catherine Farrell Delaura Attaran Florencia Carignano David Franco Jay Wadley Juliette Ménager Suzanne Smith Dan Weil Olivier Bériot David Franco Philippe Maigret Howard Korder Maxime Couteret Mark Mostyn John Bernard Nick Fulton Carol Dunn Trussell Claire Chanat Juliette Bayle Yann Biquand Olivia Delfour Nancy Bressolles Elizabeth Tremblay John-Eric Capps Kaylie Hartje Rémy Grandroques Adrien Blachère Alessandro Bertolazzi Alessandro Bertolazzi Liz Ann Bowden Ryo Murakawa Mathieu de Montgrand Felix Baudouin Stéphane Bucher Laura Windows Nicolas Derouet Lada Imamovic Catherine Deserbais Geneviève Acien Jean-Christophe Magnaud Jean-Christophe Spadaccini Dany Hericourt Bill McAdams Jr. Kate Wilson Julien Lambroschini Olivier Martin Michael Hill Frankie Fortunato Missy Cohen Steven Visscher Ruth Hernandez Jake O'Brien Landon Knoblock Lily Weisberg Gabriel Brun Gabriel Brun Charlotte Nguyen Christine Mouchard Amandine Grafé Théophile Bertrand Soukaïna Phojo Paul Penczner Brodie Robertson Quentin Benoit
Michael Douglas Noah Jupe Daniel Mays Ludivine Sagnier Thibault de Montalembert Assaad Bouab Théodore Pellerin
Western, War, Thriller, TV Movie, Science Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Music, Horror, History, Fantasy, Family, Drama, Documentary, Crime, Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Action
Country: no data
Year: 2024
In December 1776, Benjamin Franklin is world-famous for his electrical experiments. But his passion and power are put to the test when he embarks on a secret mission to France—with the fate of American independence hanging in the balance.
Writer, TV Host, Journalist
10 months ago
The great actor Michael Douglas on his latest role—as Benjamin Franklin, America’s first diplomat, in the Apple TV+ series “Franklin”