The Wife - 2018
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The Wife

Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Stellan Skarsgård Jocelyn Pook Mark Cooper David Gilchrist Ulf Brantås Thomas Huhn Thomas Huhn Trisha Biggar Meta Louise Foldager Elaine Grainger Tomas Eskilsson Jane Anderson Jane Anderson Piers Tempest Björn Runge Björn Runge Tim Haslam Meg Wolitzer Rosalie Swedlin Jon Mankell Claudia Bluemhuber Jo Bamford Fredrik Dalenfjäll Fredrik Dalenfjäll Fredrik Nord Nina Bisgaard Paul Heasman Paul Gustavsson Charlotte Hayward Charlotte Hayward Mark Leese Caroline Grebbell Sian Miller Florian Dargel Hugo Grumbar Piodor Gustafsson Susanne Scheel Gero Bauknecht Gero Bauknecht Lena Dahlberg-Runge Michael Sevholt Mark Hedges Gerd Schepers Tracey Warren Rachel Lennon Stuart Bruce Stuart Bruce Jude Campbell Alex Hansson Craig Menzies Robbie Keane Claire Campbell Johanna Lind Georgia Bayliff
Glenn Close Jonathan Pryce Christian Slater Max Irons Harry Lloyd Annie Starke Elizabeth McGovern Johan Widerberg Karin Franz Körlof Richard Cordery Jan Mybrand Anna Azcárate Peter Forbes Fredric Gildea Jane Garioni Alix Wilton Regan Nick Fletcher Mattias Nordkvist Suzanne Bertish Grainne Keenan Isabelle von Meyenburg Morgane Polanski Twinnie Lee Moore John Moraitis Michael Benz Johanna Andersson Catharina Christie Carolin Stoltz Håkan Pettersson Ossian Skarsgård
Western, War, Thriller, TV Movie, Science Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Music, Horror, History, Fantasy, Family, Drama, Documentary, Crime, Comedy, Animation, Adventure, Action
Country: no data
Year: 2018
A wife questions her life choices as she travels to Stockholm with her husband, where he is slated to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.
almost 5 years ago
I’ve got a lovely job that I’m going to do with Björn Runge, who directed “The Wife,” which I thought was magnificent. It’s a small film about Elizabeth Barrett Browning.