The King and the Mockingbird - 1980
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The King and the Mockingbird

Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Jacques Prévert Jacques Prévert Hans Christian Andersen Paul Grimault Paul Grimault
Jean Martin Pascal Mazzotti Raymond Bussières Agnès Viala Renaud Marx Hubert Deschamps Roger Blin Philippe Derrez Albert Médina Claude Piéplu Jacques Colombat
Fantasy, Family, Animation
Country: no data
Year: 1980
The kingdom of Takicardie quakes under the rule of the tyrannical King Charles V-et-III-font-VIII-et-VIII-font-XIV, whose favourite pastime is shooting birds. His archenemy is a cheeky mockingbird, whose favourite pastime is thwarting the king’s attempts to shoot birds. One night, a portrait of the king comes to life and disposes of the real king, taking his place. The portrait king falls in love with a young shepherdess in another painting and intends to marry her. But, alas, the shepherdess has fallen in love with a chimneysweep and together they elope from the king’s palace. Enraged, the king sends his police to capture them and once they are within his power he forces the shepherdess to marry him. The mockingbird must use all his guile and courage to once more thwart the king and bring his evil reign to an end.
Director, Artist
4 years ago
I was formed by the films and filmmakers of the 1950s, which was the time that I started watching a lot of films. One filmmaker who really influenced me was the French animator Paul Grimault. I watched a lot of films from many countries all over the world, but I usually can't remember the names of the directors. So I apologise for not being able to mention any other names.