Hugo - 2011
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Updated: 18 Jul 2022
Johnny Depp Robert Richardson Howard Shore John Logan Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese Eugene Gearty Ellen Lewis Dante Ferretti Georgia Kacandes Thelma Schoonmaker Kelley Cribben John Bernard Barbara De Fina Francesca Lo Schiavo Sandy Powell David Crockett Charles Newirth Graham King Stuart Rose Laura Schalker Rick Yorn Emma Tillinger Koskoff Kam Chan Marko A. Costanzo Chris Fielder Marissa Littlefield Tim Headington Matt Garner Stephen Castor Michael Solinger Doug Coleman Christi Dembrowski Brian Selznick Brian Selznick George A. Lara Frank Kern David Davenport Morag Ross Philip Stockton Philip Stockton Ben Grossmann David Warren Max Leonard Karen M. Murphy Simon Rhodes Jaap Buitendijk Thomas Nittmann Edson Williams Alex Henning John Midgley Craig Barron David Balfour Tom Fleischman Michael Kowalski Robert Legato Jennifer Dunnington Martha Pinson Gillian Aldam Marisa Clayton Kate Benton Stephanie Hovette Ben Gladstone Lee Walters Allison Pokladowski Charles Heidet Branka Mrkic Joss Williams Martin Foley Jan Archibald Deborah Jarvis Paul Sharp Meghan Rafferty Jamie Baker Jeremiah Sweeney Lee Eldred Suzanne Stokes-Munton Christopher Surgent Clive Lamming
Asa Butterfield Chloë Grace Moretz Ben Kingsley Sacha Baron Cohen Ray Winstone Emily Mortimer Christopher Lee Helen McCrory Michael Stuhlbarg Frances de la Tour Richard Griffiths Jude Law Kevin Eldon Gulliver McGrath Angus Barnett Edmund Kingsley Max Wrottesley Marco Aponte Christos Lawton Ben Addis Graham Curry Eric Haldezos Hugo Malpeyre Gino Picciano Michael Pitt Martin Scorsese Brian Selznick Ed Sanders
Family, Drama, Adventure
Country: no data
Year: 2011
Orphaned and alone except for an uncle, Hugo Cabret lives in the walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. Hugo's job is to oil and maintain the station's clocks, but to him, his more important task is to protect a broken automaton and notebook left to him by his late father. Accompanied by the goddaughter of an embittered toy merchant, Hugo embarks on a quest to solve the mystery of the automaton and find a place he can call home.
Actress, Musician
over 4 years ago
I watched this movie Hugo, and it was one of the craziest movies I've ever seen, visually.
almost 4 years ago
Just saw Hugo... SUCH a wonderful and beautifully made movie, well done!!! Everyone MUST SEE!!!!!