People recommend "Miers Labs No Jet Lag Homeopathic Remedy + Fatigue Reducer for Airplane Travel Across Time Zones with All Natural Ingredients - 32 Count Chewable Tablets (for up to 50+ hours of flying)"
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Miers Labs No Jet Lag Homeopathic Remedy + Fatigue Reducer for Airplane Travel Across Time Zones with All Natural Ingredients - 32 Count Chewable Tablets (for up to 50+ hours of flying)

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
REDUCES JET LAG: Helps to alleviate jet lag symptoms that affect body temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, and physiological patterns, leading to disorientation as well as mental and physical fatigue. TRAVELER TESTED: 75% of users (business and pleasure travelers, professional athletes/teams, tour operators, travel agents, flight crews, and military and diplomatic personnel) said it was helpful in combating the symptoms of jet lag. NO SIDE EFFECTS: Step off the plane or attend meetings refreshed, enjoy vacation (and return home) or travel internationally with minimal down time, all without feeling groggy (does not interfere with medications). EASY TO USE: Simply chew 1 tablet each time your plane takes off and lands (even if not disembarking) to counter the effects of pressure changes, and 1 every 2 hours while flying long distances. Each package contains 32 tablets - enough for 50+ hours of flying. NATURAL INGREDIENTS: A Homeopathic remedy made with just 5 active all natural ingredients - Arnica Montana 30C (Leopard's Bane), Bellis Perennis 30C (Daisy), Chamomilla 30C (Wild Chamomile), Ipecacuanha 30C (Ipecac), and Lycopodium 30C (Clubmoss)
over 5 years ago
Killing Eve is based in the UK so it’s a long haul from LA. I start with No Jet Lag homeopathic, lots of water and moisturizer for face/hands. I never travel without my journal.