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Harney & Sons Blueberry Green Tea Tin Can - Caffeinated and, Great Present Idea - 20 Sachets, 1.4 Ounces

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
EXCELLENT FLAVOR AND AROMA - This green tea blend combines the flavors of blueberry, lemongrass, and vanilla. It is delicious hot or cold.. CAFFEINATED BREW - Harney's Blueberry Green is a caffeinated brew perfect for both tea and coffee lovers.. 20 SACHETS - One tin contains 20 sachets, and each tea sachet brews a 12-ounce cup.. GREAT PRESENT IDEA - The tea is packaged in a classy blue tin can, making it a perfect party favor or a great present idea for tea lovers. Blueberry Green looks especially tempting when brewed in a glass teapot and served at parties.. HIGH-QUALITY TEA - Harney & Sons aim to deliver the most excellent quality tea possible. Enjoy your quality tea made with quality ingredients.
over 5 years ago
My new green tea obsession: green blueberry! The EGCGs and catechins in it turn on genes that kill cancer cells, repair damage, improve brain function and more! Warning: this tea may cause reverse aging.