People recommend "Thorne Research - Basic Prenatal - Folate Multivitamin for Pregnant and Lactating Women - 90 Capsules"
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Thorne Research - Basic Prenatal - Folate Multivitamin for Pregnant and Lactating Women - 90 Capsules

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
PRENATAL MULTI: Designed for women who are trying to conceive, pregnant, or lactating. GENTLE: Formulated to be gentle and effective and to reduce nausea. COMPREHENSIVE: Contains the key nutrients that support a healthy pregnancy, including vitamins A, B12, and folate, and the minerals magnesium, iron, and iodine. NO ADDITIVES: Contains none of the additives typically contained in mainstream prenatal supplements. FREE FROM: Every Thorne product is made with the purest possible ingredients - without gluten or other major allergens (eggs, tree nuts, peanuts). This product also contains no dairy, soy, yeast, fish, or shellfish.
over 5 years ago
One of the companies that was just really really really good and reliable was Thorne. I they're my go-to brand whenever I'm looking for a supplement like I took I took their prenatal from throughout pregnancy, actually, I'm still taking the prenatal I'm breastfeeding.