People recommend "Bosch Power Tools GCM12SD - 15 Amp 12 Inch Corded Dual-Bevel Sliding Glide Miter Saw with 60 Tooth Saw Blade - Miter Saw Blades "
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Bosch Power Tools GCM12SD - 15 Amp 12 Inch Corded Dual-Bevel Sliding Glide Miter Saw with 60 Tooth Saw Blade - Miter Saw Blades

Updated: 2 Oct 2020
Bosch Power Tools GCM12SD - 15 Amp 12 Inch Corded Dual-Bevel Sliding Glide Miter Saw with 60 Tooth Saw Blade - Miter Saw Blades
4122 FLIISTs
over 4 years ago
Best miter saw for the money providing you amazing quality. Suitable for both commercial and homeowner's use. It is a big saw, but isnt clunky or awkward to use.