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Briggs & Stratton 1024 Standard Series 24-Inch Dual-Stage Snow Blower with Push Button Electric Start and Dash Mounted Chute Rotation

Updated: 15 Sep 2020
Briggs & Stratton 1024 Standard Series 24-Inch Dual-Stage Snow Blower with Push Button Electric Start and Dash Mounted Chute Rotation
4122 FLIISTs
over 4 years ago
TOP CHOICE. Works consistently. The assembly is half done already, but it is better if it is assembled by pro. Easily beats packed and slushy snow without pain. Fresh and puffy snow is a delight to work with on that one. It works even better at any temperature if you give it 5 minutes to warm up. This 208cc engine features 9.5 foot-pounds of gross torque. It is easy to operate and maneuver for anyone + it is lightweight.