Spider-Man's Spider-Signal
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Spider-Man's Spider-Signal

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
A powerful light emitted from Spider-Man's belt to announce his arrival to criminals. It was also used as a light source, allowing him to see in the dark. Recently, after upgrading his Utility Belt, the Spider-Signal was able to switch into a second mode which was a UV light setting for forensic purposes. Another design was created by Ollie Osnick to call Spider-Man and then ask him if they could work together as a team. This version was a lantern.
Blogger, Scientist, Superhero
almost 5 years ago
The other main function of the utility belt is to house the Spider-Signal. Unlike the call-to-action Bat-Signal, the Spider-Signal is a light contained in Spidey's belt that projects an image of Spider-Man's mask. It's mostly used to announce his arrival or intimidate criminals, but it can be used as a flashlight when Peter finds himself having to navigate dark areas like the sewers. In Amazing Spider-Man #675, Peter updates the Spider-Signal with a UV light to scan crime scenes for forensic evidence. Despite five solo movies, the Spider-Signal hadn't made a big-screen appearance until the post-credits scene for Captain America: Civil War, which showed Peter discovering it in the web-shooters Stark had made for him.