Soap and Water & Common Sense - Bonnie Henry
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Soap and Water & Common Sense

Updated: 15 May 2023
As a physician who has spent nearly two decades chasing bugs all over the world Ñ from Ebola in Uganda, to polio in Pakistan, to SARS in Toronto Ñ leading epidemiologist and public-health doctor Bonnie Henry offers three simple rules to help people avoid getting sick: clean your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, and stay at home when you have a fever. It all boils down to basic hygiene. In this compelling book, Dr. Henry gives a lively account of the evolution of common sickness. She takes readers on a tour through the halls of Microbes Inc., a global "corporation" that has evolved and adapted over billions of years to rule the earth. From viruses to bacteria to parasites and fungi, Dr. Henry profiles the threats and dispels some of the common myths and misinformation about good and bad bugs to bestow upon readers the most important measures needed to keep themselves and their families healthy.