The Killer Angels - Michael Shaara
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The Killer Angels

Updated: 11 Apr 2023
It is the third summer of the war, June 1863, and Robert Lee's Confederate Army slips across the Potomac to draw out the Union Army. Lee's army is 70,000 strong and has won nearly every battle it has fought. The Union Army is 80,000 strong and accustomed to defeat and retreat. Thus begins the Battle of Gettysburg, the four most bloody and courageous days of America's history. Two armies fight for two goals - one for freedom, the other for a way of life. This is a classic, Pulitzer Prize-Winning, historical novel set during the Battle of Gettysburg.
1 year ago
My dad always tried to get me to read Michael Shaara’s “The Killer Angels.” I never did while he was alive, but yesterday that changed. It stunned me. A phenomenal piece of psychological writing. Can’t recommend highly enough. I so wish I’d shared it with Dad. He knew good work.