Witness to the Fire - Linda Schierse Leonard
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Witness to the Fire

Updated: 18 Jan 2022
In Witness to the Fire, Linda Schierse Leonard, Ph.D., explores the dark and fiery journey of transformation from the bondage of addiction to the freedom of recovery through creativity. A Jungian analyst, Leonard studies the relationship of creativity and addiction in the lives of writers such as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Eugene O'Neill, Jean Rhys, and Jack London, as well as the experiences of ordinary men and women. Leonard holds out the hope that anyone bound by addiction can reclaim the power that fuels dependency for a life of joy and creativity.
over 2 years ago
Andrew Garfield stopped by the C.G. Jung Bookstore in LA, which specializes in hard-to-find publications, yesterday. He picked up a few interesting reads including Trickster Makes This World and Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction.