Banker To The Poor - Muhammad Yunus
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Banker To The Poor

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
&Lsquo;It&Rsquo;S Not People Who Aren&Rsquo;T Credit-Worthy. It&Rsquo;S Banks That Aren&Rsquo;T People-Worthy&Rsquo; &Mdash;Muhammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus, Winner Of The Nobel Peace Prize In 2006, Set Up The Grameen Bank In Bangladesh To Lend Tiny Sums To The Poorest Of The Poor, Who Were Shunned By Ordinary Banks. The Money Would Enable Them To Set Up The Smallest Village Enterprise And Pull Themselves Out Of Poverty. Today, Yunus&Rsquo;S System Of &Lsquo;Micro-Credit&Rsquo; Is Practised In Some Sixty Countries, And His Grameen Bank Is A Billion-Pound Business Acknowledged By World Leaders And The World Bank As A Fundamental Weapon In The Fight Against Poverty. Banker To The Poor Is Yunus&Rsquo;S Own Enthralling Story: Of How Bangladesh&Rsquo;S Terrible 1974 Famine Underlined The Need To Enable Its Victims To Grow More Food; Of Overcoming Scepticism In Many Governments And In Traditional Economic Thinking; And Of How Micro-Credit Was Extended Into Credit Unions In The West.
Actor, Musician
over 4 years ago
As I said, this is the autobiography of a man I admire tremendously. He was an economics professor in Bangladesh during the 1970s famine, and he felt sick to his stomach that he was teaching economic theories while passing dead bodies in the street. So he dismantled his curriculum and encouraged his students to go out with him to the poorer districts to understand what kept people impoverished.