The Shadow of the Torturer - Gene Wolfe
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The Shadow of the Torturer

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
Severian is a torturer, born to the guild and with an exceptionally promising career ahead of him . . . until he falls in love with one of his victims, a beautiful young noblewoman. Her excruciations are delayed for some months and, out of love, Severian helps her commit suicide and escape her fate. For a torturer, there is no more unforgivable act. In punishment he is exiled from the guild and his home city to the distant metropolis of Thrax with little more than Terminus Est, a fabled sword, to his name. Along the way he has to learn to survive in a wider world without the guild - a world in which he has already made both allies and enemies. And a strange gem is about to fall into his possession, which will only make his enemies pursue him with ever-more determination . . .Winner of the World Fantasy Award for best novel, 1981Winner of the BSFA Award for best novel, 1982
Writer, Screenwriter
over 4 years ago
Gene Wolfe just turned 87 the other week. He's one of the finest writers of science fiction. This is a far future fantasy about a torturer who is also a Christ-like figure, who eventually becomes Emperor of the world. It's so far in the future that our age is the earliest distant myth of time, and we realise that these giant sunken towers that people live in are abandoned spaceships. It's set at the end of things - the sun is dying, everything is dying, and it’s glorious.