Dr. Bronner's - Pure-Castile Liquid Soap (Almond, 32 ounce) - Made with Organic Oils, 18-in-1 Uses: Face, Body, Hair, Laundry, Pets and Dishes, Concentrated, Vegan, Non-GMO
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Dr. Bronner's - Pure-Castile Liquid Soap (Almond, 32 ounce) - Made with Organic Oils, 18-in-1 Uses: Face, Body, Hair, Laundry, Pets and Dishes, Concentrated, Vegan, Non-GMO

Updated: 7 Sep 2020
All Natural Organic Certified Ingredients; Bio-Degradable;Packaged In 100% Post Consumer Recycled Bottles. Top Selling Natural Soap In The Usa. Cleans Body; Floors; Bathrooms; Counters; Walls; Dishes; Pets; Fruits & Vegetables; Great For Shaving. Almond Oil Scent Can Cause Deep, Dreamy, Mystical Trance States Of Super-Sensuous Luxuriousness And Consciousness. Great For Camping; Backpacking; Traveling
Actor, Musician
5 years ago
I have a bottle of Dr Bronner’s soap, almond. I wash my body with it, I wash my clothes with it. And then I put them on a rock to dry.” Now that is real rock ’n’ roll.