This is my relationship with my mom. I'm Lisa is screaming "mom", you know because whenever something's going wrong in my life, I'm freaking out, I call my mom on the phone.
I did not always know I was gonna get tattoos. The first one I got was this big one right here. It’s my mum’s birthday, her initials, so that she wouldn’t get mad at me because it was my first tattoo when I was 14’
I got my son right here on my leg. But my son is a doll that I bought at a store and
his name is Meep. I bought Meep a year ago now with my ex-girlfriend and he's our
son and so I decided I had to give it a go.
I got Home Sick tattooed on me right here in my fingers because I travel a lot, you know, as a musician and I'm 20 years old so I'm still young. I still miss my mommy at certain times.
I got Broken Heart to push for myself to be successful with like the music. I was doing it because it can make it harder to get a job when you have a face covered in tattoos.
I found myself complaining a lot, being very ungrateful for the things that have in my life. I got the Crybaby tattoo on my face to remind me that there's a lot of people on Earth that would love to be in the position I'm in, so it just keeps me really grateful.