Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон


It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on.
Скарлетт Йоганссон
And sometimes we read in bed. I just finished Prince Harry's memoir. It was great.
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон


This title includes introduction and notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. 'Middlemarch' is a complex tale of idealism, disillusion, profligacy, loyalty and frustrated love. This penetrating analysis of the life of an English provincial town during the time of social unrest prior to the Reform Bill of 1832 is told through the lives of Dorothea Brooke and Dr Tertius Lydgate and includes a host of other paradigm characters who illuminate the condition of English life in the mid-nineteenth century. AUTHOR: Mary Anne Evans (1819-1880), better known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist. She was one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels, largely set in provincial England, are well known for their realism and psychological insight. She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure that her works were taken seriously. Female authors were published under their own names, but Eliot wanted to ensure that she was not seen as merely a writer of romances. An additional factor may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes
Скарлетт Йоганссон
This title includes introduction and notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. 'Middlemarch' is a complex tale of idealism, disillusion, profligacy, loyalty and frustrated love. This penetrating analysis of the life of an English provincial town during the time of social unrest prior to the Reform Bill of 1832 is told through the lives of Dorothea Brooke and Dr Tertius Lydgate and includes a host of other paradigm characters who illuminate the condition of English life in the mid-nineteenth century. AUTHOR: Mary Anne Evans (1819-1880), better known by her pen name George Eliot, was an English novelist. She was one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels, largely set in provincial England, are well known for their realism and psychological insight. She used a male pen name, she said, to ensure that her works were taken seriously. Female authors were published under their own names, but Eliot wanted to ensure that she was not seen as merely a writer of romances. An additional factor may have been a desire to shield her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals attending her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон

Marjorie Morningstar

Скарлетт Йоганссон
Цей класичний роман 1955 був однією з улюблених книг моєї матері. Це така красива, трагічна історія. Марджорі так сповнена пристрасті і романтики. Молода дівчина з консервативної сім'ї, вона мріє стати актрисою, але в кінці кінців обмінює свої амбіції і пристрасну любов на звичайне приміське життя. Йоганссон пам'ятає сцену, під яким під бузком були поцілунки. Бузок завжди був улюбленою квіткою моєї мами, я думаю, можливо, через цю книгу.
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон

Ловець у житі

"The Catcher in the Rye" is one of the most popular coming-of-age novels ever written, and its 17-year-old protagonist, Holden Caulfield, has become an icon of teen angst. The new full-length critical essays in this title provide a comprehensive critical look at this classic by J.D. Salinger. Master scholar Harold Bloom introduces the novel in this study guide, which also features a chronology, a bibliography, an index, and notes on the contributors.
Скарлетт Йоганссон
Йоганссон вперше зіткнулася з романом Холдена Колфілда в дитинстві. "У ньому було щось, що дуже вплинуло на мене", - каже вона. "Ти знаєш: той, хто хоче отримати визнання від своїх однолітків, але і в той же час відштовхує їх". Перечитуючи дебютну роботу Селінджера, що визначає епоху його дорослішання, Йоганссон зазначила простоту його написання. "Тепер я краще можу оцінити чистоту його слів".
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон

Середня стать

Middlesex is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Jeffrey Eugenides published in 2002. The book is a bestseller, with more than four million copies sold since its publication. Its characters and events are loosely based on aspects of Eugenides' life and observations of his Greek heritage.
Скарлетт Йоганссон
"Мені подобається дізнаватися про незнайому мені культуру", - розповідає Йоганссон про роман, відзначений Пулітцерівською премією 2003 року. Герой - чоловік-інтерсекс грецького походження з синдромом дефіциту 5-альфа-редуктази, внаслідок чого він став чоловіком з жіночою зовнішністю.
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон

Літній круїз

Скарлетт Йоганссон
Цей роман про молоду жінку, яка веде приречену інтрижку зі службовцем автомобільної парковки. Йоганссон дуже сподобалося, як автор зобразив "двох відчайдушно закоханих".
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон

Незрівнянний містер Фокс

The legendary Roald Dahl story with full-colour illustrations by Quentin Blake throughout.Fantastic Mr Fox - the tale of the most cunning fox in the world. Boggis is an enormously fat chicken farmer who only eats boiled chickens smothered in fat.Bunce is a duck-and-goose farmer whose dinner gives him a beastly temper.Bean is a turkey-and-apple farmer who only drinks gallons of strong cider.Mr Fox is so clever that every evening he creeps down into the valley and helps himself to food from the farms.Now the farmers have hatched a plan to BANG-BANG-BANG shoot Mr Fox dead. But, just when they think Mr Fox can't possibly escape, he makes a fantastic plan of his own . . . Listen to FANTASTIC MR FOX and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and Steven Fry - plus there are added squelchy soundeffects from Pinewood Studios! And look out for new Roald Dahl apps in the App store and Google Play - including the disgusting TWIT OR MISS! and HOUSE OF TWITS inspired by the revolting Twits.
Скарлетт Йоганссон
"Я була в другому або третьому класі, коли моя сестра прочитала мені цю книгу. Пам'ятаю, коли вона закінчила, я дуже просила, щоб вона почала все спочатку", - зізнається Йоганссон.
Книги від Скарлетт  Йоганссон

La Leche League

In 1956, when La Leche League was founded, if a new mother chose to breastfeed rather than bottlefeed her child, she could by no means expect universal support for her decision. Though physicians of the era admitted that breastfeeding was the best method.
Скарлетт Йоганссон
Що у тебе на тумбочці? Зволожувач, стакан води, телефон, книга La Leche League і колекційна серія ароматів Dolce&Gabbana The One.