Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Газированный напиток рамунэ со вкусом дыни Hatakosen Ramune, 200 мл

Газированный напиток рамунэ со вкусом дыни Hatakosen Ramune, 200 мл с доставкой по России. Яркие и необычные вкусы.
Alexander Medvedev
Газированный напиток рамунэ со вкусом дыни Hatakosen Ramune, 200 мл с доставкой по России. Яркие и необычные вкусы.
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Бататовая каша

Alexander Medvedev
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Монастырская снедь

аскетичные натуральные яства
Alexander Medvedev
аскетичные натуральные яства
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Мадлен (печенье)

Alexander Medvedev
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Горький шоколад 70% CHOKLAD MöRK 70% (арт. 203.080.94)

IKEA Express - Оперативная доставка, приятные цены. Любой вес и габариты.
Alexander Medvedev
IKEA Express - Оперативная доставка, приятные цены. Любой вес и габариты.
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Beef Steak

Top round steak is marinated in a flavorful mixture and then broiled or grilled. Plan marinating at least four hours for the fullest flavor.
Alexander Medvedev
Top round steak is marinated in a flavorful mixture and then broiled or grilled. Plan marinating at least four hours for the fullest flavor.
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Творожно-яблочный пирог «Слоеный»

Пошаговый рецепт с ингредиентами и фото
Alexander Medvedev
Пошаговый рецепт с ингредиентами и фото
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev

Mochi ice cream

Mochi ice cream is a confection made from Japanese mochi (pounded sticky rice) with an ice cream filling. It was invented by Japanese-American businesswoman and community activist Frances Hashimoto.
Alexander Medvedev
Mochi ice cream is a confection made from Japanese mochi (pounded sticky rice) with an ice cream filling. It was invented by Japanese-American businesswoman and community activist Frances Hashimoto.
Кулінарія від Alexander Medvedev


is a Japanese dish with a translation of "pulled noodles". It consists of Chinese wheat noodles served in a meat or (occasionally) fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as nori (dried seaweed), menma, and scallions. Nearly every region in Japan has its own variation of ramen, such as the tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen of Kyushu and the miso ramen of Hokkaido. Mazemen is the name of a ramen dish that is not served in a soup, but rather with a sauce (such as tare), like noodles that are served with a sweet and sour sauce.
Alexander Medvedev
is a Japanese dish with a translation of "pulled noodles". It consists of Chinese wheat noodles served in a meat or (occasionally) fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as nori (dried seaweed), menma, and scallions. Nearly every region in Japan has its own variation of ramen, such as the tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen of Kyushu and the miso ramen of Hokkaido. Mazemen is the name of a ramen dish that is not served in a soup, but rather with a sauce (such as tare), like noodles that are served with a sweet and sour sauce.
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev


одноразовая печатная мелочёвка
Alexander Medvedev
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

Танец пчёл

сигнальная хореография
Alexander Medvedev
сигнальная хореография
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

Баланс между аполлоническим и дионисийским началами

Alexander Medvedev
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

Фигурные стихи

Alexander Medvedev
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

"Жилые коконы" и "Шагающие города" Archigram

номадические структуры
Alexander Medvedev
номадические структуры
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

Эолова арфа

музыка ветра
Alexander Medvedev
музыка ветра
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev


"раскаяние" художника
Alexander Medvedev
"раскаяние" художника
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

Диета Тамплиера

Alexander Medvedev
Хобі від Alexander Medvedev

Сумасбродные маскарадные празднества

Антиповедение, опирающееся на святочные и карнавальные традиции
Alexander Medvedev
Антиповедение, опирающееся на святочные и карнавальные традиции
Спорт від Alexander Medvedev


Размеры и вес шаров:
Alexander Medvedev
Размеры и вес шаров:
Спорт від Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Спорт від Alexander Medvedev


Alexander Medvedev
Спорт від Alexander Medvedev

Red Bull Flugtag

Летательные аппараты имеют жёсткие ограничения — размер не более 9 метров и вес не более 200 кг,[3] не считая веса пилота. Всего в команде, включая пилота, может быть не более 5 человек.[3] Двигателем может служить только мускульная сила пилота и сопровождающей его команды, и гравитация. Аппарат должен быть нетонущим, и изготовлен только из экологически чистых материалов. Как правило, аппараты запускаются с пирса (рампы, как это называют на самих соревнованиях) высотой 30 футов над водой. Большинство представляемых аппаратов вовсе не может летать, и их "полёты" (попросту падение в воду) служат развлекательным целям. Конкурс проводится по трём номинациям: расстояние полёта (рекорд 78,64 м), креативность и шоу-талант. Итоговая оценка, определяющая место команды в рейтинге, складывается из трех этих оценок.
Alexander Medvedev
Летательные аппараты имеют жёсткие ограничения — размер не более 9 метров и вес не более 200 кг,[3] не считая веса пилота. Всего в команде, включая пилота, может быть не более 5 человек.[3] Двигателем может служить только мускульная сила пилота и сопровождающей его команды, и гравитация. Аппарат должен быть нетонущим, и изготовлен только из экологически чистых материалов. Как правило, аппараты запускаются с пирса (рампы, как это называют на самих соревнованиях) высотой 30 футов над водой. Большинство представляемых аппаратов вовсе не может летать, и их "полёты" (попросту падение в воду) служат развлекательным целям. Конкурс проводится по трём номинациям: расстояние полёта (рекорд 78,64 м), креативность и шоу-талант. Итоговая оценка, определяющая место команды в рейтинге, складывается из трех этих оценок.
Спорт від Alexander Medvedev

Soap Box Derby

The Soap Box Derby is a youth soapbox car racing program which has been run in the United States since 1933. World Championship finals are held each July at Derby Downs in Akron, Ohio. Cars competing in this and related events are unpowered, relying completely upon gravity to move.
Alexander Medvedev
The Soap Box Derby is a youth soapbox car racing program which has been run in the United States since 1933. World Championship finals are held each July at Derby Downs in Akron, Ohio. Cars competing in this and related events are unpowered, relying completely upon gravity to move.
Спорт від Alexander Medvedev

Fighting in ice hockey

Alexander Medvedev
Практики від Alexander Medvedev


tāṃ yogamiti manyante sthiramindriyadhāraṇām ॥3.11॥
Alexander Medvedev
tāṃ yogamiti manyante sthiramindriyadhāraṇām ॥3.11॥
Практики від Alexander Medvedev


Jogging can be used as a method to increase endurance or to provide a means of cardiovascular exercise but with less stress on joints or demand on the circulatory system.
Alexander Medvedev
Jogging can be used as a method to increase endurance or to provide a means of cardiovascular exercise but with less stress on joints or demand on the circulatory system.
Практики від Alexander Medvedev


Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. self-concept, and well-being. Meditation is under research to define its possible health (psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular) and other effects.
Alexander Medvedev
Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. self-concept, and well-being. Meditation is under research to define its possible health (psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular) and other effects.
Практики від Alexander Medvedev


Calisthenics (American English) or callisthenics (British English) (/ˌkælɪsˈθɛnɪks/) is a form of strength training consisting of a variety of movements that exercise large muscle groups (gross motor movements), such as standing, grasping, pushing, etc. These exercises are often performed rhythmically and with minimal equipment, as bodyweight exercises. They are intended to increase strength, fitness, and flexibility, through movements such as pulling, pushing, bending, jumping, or swinging, using one's body weight for resistance. Calisthenics can provide the benefits of muscular and aerobic conditioning, in addition to improving psychomotor skills such as balance, agility, and coordination. A study done in 2017," The effects of a calisthenics training intervention on posture, strength and body composition", by a group of scientists who found that calisthenics training is an "effective training solution to improve posture, strength and body composition without the use of any major training equipment". Urban calisthenics is a form of Street Workout; calisthenics groups perform exercise routines in urban areas. Individuals and groups train to perform advanced calisthenics skills such as muscle-ups, levers, and various freestyle moves such as spins and flips. Sports teams and military units often perform leader-directed group calisthenics as a form of synchronized physical training (often including a customized "call and response" routine) to increase group cohesion and discipline. Calisthenics is also popular as a component of physical education in primary and secondary schools over much of the globe. In addition to general fitness, calisthenics exercises are often used as baseline physical evaluations for military organizations around the world. For example, they are used in the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test and the U.S.M.C. Physical Fitness Test.
Alexander Medvedev
Calisthenics (American English) or callisthenics (British English) (/ˌkælɪsˈθɛnɪks/) is a form of strength training consisting of a variety of movements that exercise large muscle groups (gross motor movements), such as standing, grasping, pushing, etc. These exercises are often performed rhythmically and with minimal equipment, as bodyweight exercises. They are intended to increase strength, fitness, and flexibility, through movements such as pulling, pushing, bending, jumping, or swinging, using one's body weight for resistance. Calisthenics can provide the benefits of muscular and aerobic conditioning, in addition to improving psychomotor skills such as balance, agility, and coordination. A study done in 2017," The effects of a calisthenics training intervention on posture, strength and body composition", by a group of scientists who found that calisthenics training is an "effective training solution to improve posture, strength and body composition without the use of any major training equipment". Urban calisthenics is a form of Street Workout; calisthenics groups perform exercise routines in urban areas. Individuals and groups train to perform advanced calisthenics skills such as muscle-ups, levers, and various freestyle moves such as spins and flips. Sports teams and military units often perform leader-directed group calisthenics as a form of synchronized physical training (often including a customized "call and response" routine) to increase group cohesion and discipline. Calisthenics is also popular as a component of physical education in primary and secondary schools over much of the globe. In addition to general fitness, calisthenics exercises are often used as baseline physical evaluations for military organizations around the world. For example, they are used in the U.S. Army Physical Fitness Test and the U.S.M.C. Physical Fitness Test.