Фильмы от Will Smith


Жизнь Томаса Андерсона разделена на две части: днём он самый обычный офисный работник, получающий нагоняи от начальства, а ночью превращается в хакера по имени Нео, и нет места в сети, куда он не смог бы дотянуться. Но однажды всё меняется — герой, сам того не желая, узнаёт страшную правду: всё, что его окружает — не более, чем иллюзия, Матрица, а люди — всего лишь источник питания для искусственного интеллекта, поработившего человечество. И только Нео под силу изменить расстановку сил в этом ставшем вдруг чужим и страшным мире.
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
What movie set from his past would he like to revisit, and what would he tell his former self. “I’d go back to the Wild Wild West [set] and I would say, ‘Asshole, why didn’t you do The Matrix?” Smith joked.
Фильмы от Will Smith

Звёздные войны: Эпизод 4 - Новая надежда

Татуин. Планета-пустыня. Уже постаревший рыцарь Джедай Оби Ван Кеноби спасает молодого Люка Скайуокера, когда тот пытается отыскать пропавшего дроида. С этого момента Люк осознает свое истинное назначение: он один из рыцарей Джедай. В то время как гражданская война охватила галактику, а войска повстанцев ведут бои против сил злого Императора, к Люку и Оби Вану присоединяется отчаянный пилот-наемник Хан Соло, и в сопровождении двух дроидов, R2D2 и C-3PO, этот необычный отряд отправляется на поиски предводителя повстанцев — принцессы Леи.
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
And I guess Star Wars was the movie. I might have been eight or nine-years-old and Star Wars was the movie that really put me into a space where the science fiction element of it was almost a spiritual connection for me; that someone could imagine that and then put it on the screen, and be able to make me feel like that. My entire career, I’ve been trying to make people feel the way Star Wars made me feel.
Фильмы от Will Smith

Любой ценой

Два брата-лузера решают наведаться в хранилища пары-тройки банков, которые много лет безбожно обкрадывают своих должников. Расследование дерзких ограблений с грубым почерком увенчает карьеру шерифа Маркуса. Но куда выведет это нехитрое дело?
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
WATCHED ON BOARD Hell or High Water – absolutely brilliant!
Фильмы от Will Smith

Лоуренс Аравийский

Фильм рассказывает о легендарном герое Первой мировой войны — английском разведчике Т. Э. Лоуренсе, действовавшем среди арабских племен и возглавившем их в походе против турок.
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
There is a great line in Lawrence of Arabia. Anthony Quinn. "The Turks pay me a golden treasure, yet I am poor because I am a river to my people." I just love that line. So I'm getting a T-shirt made: I AM A RIVER TO MY PEOPLE.
Книги от Will Smith
5 книг

Will Smith 5 Favorite Books

It is a well-known fact that Will Smith enjoys running and reading. We gathered 5 recommended reads that inspire him!
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
It is a well-known fact that Will Smith enjoys running and reading. We gathered 5 recommended reads that inspire him!
Книги от Will Smith

The Prophet

'The Prophet', by Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931) is a book composed of twenty-six poetic essays. Continually in print since its publication in 1923, its ongoing popularity is a continuation of the interest generated by the American counterculture of the 1960s and the New Age movement. His language has a breath-taking beauty. Before returning to his birthplace, Almustafa, the 'prophet', is asked for guidance by the people of Orphalese. His words, redolent with love and understanding, call for universal unity, and affirm Gibran's certainty of the correlated nature of all existence, and of reincarnation. 'The Prophet' has never lost its immediate appeal and has become a ubiquitous touchstone of spiritual literature. AUTHOR: Born in the town of Bsharri in the north of modern-day Lebanon (then part of Mount Lebanon Mutasarrifate, Ottoman Empire), as a young man he immigrated with his family to the United States, where he studied art and began his literary career, writing in both English and Arabic. In the Arab world, Gibran is regarded as a literary and political rebel. His romantic style was at the heart of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, especially prose poetry, breaking away from the classical school. In Lebanon, he is still celebrated as a literary hero. He is chiefly known in the English-speaking world for his 1923 book 'The Prophet', an early example of inspirational fiction including a series of philosophical essays written in poetic English prose. The book sold well despite a cool critical reception, gaining popularity in the 1930s and again especially in the 1960s counterculture. Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Laozi.
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
There is a wonderful quote from Khalil Gibran that I love that says, “Pain is the knife that hollows us out so that we can hold more joy.” I thought that’s such an interesting idea that you suffer that pain and you are torn open for the purpose of being able to hold more light and joy and positivity.
Музыка от Will Smith

Stevie Wonder

Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
Love the Stevie Wonder music. That was a personal choice.
Музыка от Will Smith

I Know You Got Soul — Eric B. & Rakim

Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
I grabbed the Honey Drippers’ “Impeach the President,” which has a really classic old-school hip-hop break beat. And I had them throw that break beat under there. And I messed with that, and I messed with Eric B and Rakhim’s “I Know You Got Soul” under “Friend Like Me.” And I was like, “Oh my God, I’m home!”
Музыка от Will Smith

Impeach the President — The Honey Drippers

Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
I grabbed the Honey Drippers’ “Impeach the President,” which has a really classic old-school hip-hop break beat
Музыка от Will Smith

DJ Jazzy Jeff

Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
Люди от Will Smith

Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
SR: When I met Robert Downey, they were still building the set for the first Iron Man, and he was worried about changing his body. He was looking at Daniel Craig. Do you look at other guys? WS: That damn Wolverine. That's as good as it gets right there. I'm going for him. I'm going for Hugh Jackman. His body fat had to be around 4.
Приложения от Will Smith

Life360 - Feel free, together.

Real life moves real fast. Life360 brings your family closer with smart features designed to protect and connect the people who matter most.
Will Smith
Актер, Музыкант
NEW DISCOVERY Life 360, an app that helps me keep up with what my family’s doing – very helpful