Музыка от Thomas Lennon

Thomas Lennon Playlist - 4 Music Recommendations

Thomas Lennon

This list is a collection of 4 songs from Thomas Lennon's playlist that he recommends listening.
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Музыка от Thomas Lennon
When I was a kid, we understood that "YMCA" was a song about when you want to go downtown and take showers with other men, for fun. We didn't judge this. IT'S JUST HAPPENS TO BE THE ONLY THING THE SONG IS ABOUT. So... whose theme song is it again? What is happening?
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Музыка от Thomas Lennon


A good song for a bad mood: Shadow by Bleachers on #Spotify
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Музыка от Thomas Lennon
Good morning. I honestly don’t know what genius hacked and renamed my headphones. It’s worthy of Banksy, or SPECTRE. I don’t know how to change it. Well played, well. Played.
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Музыка от Thomas Lennon

Setting Forth — Eddie Vedder

ПодтвержденныйI am the brave hero who takes 1/2 a sleeping pill en route to Ireland and watches PANDAS while blasting EDDIE VEDDER’S Into the Wild soundtrack at the same time. YOU NEED TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW.
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