Места от Steve Rogers


Самое населённое боро Нью-Йорка — 2,58 млн жителей (2018). Расположен в западной части острова Лонг-Айленд.
Steve Rogers
Rogers attended George Washington High School in Brooklyn from 1932 to 1936, and later Auburndale Art School, also in Brooklyn, from 1937 to 1938.
Кулинария от Steve Rogers


Панкейк — кулинарное изделие, представляющее собой толстый пышный блинчик, по вкусу напоминающий бисквитный корж. Панкейки — это традиционное блюдо Северной Америки, популярное как в США, так и в Канаде.
Steve Rogers
Pancakes. Home made pancakes were always your favourite, mainly because you had a thing for home made meals. Plus Steve loved the fact that you could put almost anything on them! Whether it was chocolate or delicious strawberries.
Кулинария от Steve Rogers

Thai cuisine

Национальная кухня Таиланда, развивавшаяся на протяжении веков под влиянием китайской, индийской и европейской кухонь.
Steve Rogers
Steve Roger's list of things. Across the multiple versions of the lists, the last five items of each list match between each region. Thai Food Star Wars/Trek Nirvana (Band) Rocky (Rocky II?) Troubleman (Soundtrack)
Хобби от Steve Rogers


Drawing is a form of visual art in which a person uses various drawing instruments to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium. Instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, various kinds of paints, inked brushes, colored pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, various kinds of erasers, markers, styluses, and various metals (such as silverpoint). Digital drawing is the act of using a computer to draw. Common methods of digital drawing include a stylus or finger on a touchscreen device, stylus- or finger-to-touchpad, or in some cases, a mouse. There are many digital art programs and devices. A drawing instrument releases a small amount of material onto a surface, leaving a visible mark. The most common support for drawing is paper, although other materials, such as cardboard, wood, plastic, leather, canvas, and board, may be used. Temporary drawings may be made on a blackboard or whiteboard or indeed almost anything. The medium has been a popular and fundamental means of public expression throughout human history. It is one of the simplest and most efficient means of communicating visual ideas. The wide availability of drawing instruments makes drawing one of the most common artistic activities. In addition to its more artistic forms, drawing is frequently used in commercial illustration, animation, architecture, engineering and technical drawing. A quick, freehand drawing, usually not intended as a finished work, is sometimes called a sketch. An artist who practices or works in technical drawing may be called a drafter, draftsman or a draughtsman.
Steve Rogers
Before fighting in the War, Rogers took art classes. During the war and his tour, Rogers kept a notebook of his drawings that showed his discontent as a mascot. Peggy Carter even kept his drawing of himself as a monkey in her retirement home.
Спорт от Steve Rogers


Бег — один из способов передвижения (локомоции) человека и животных; отличается наличием так называемой «фазы полёта» и осуществляется в результате сложной координированной деятельности скелетных мышц и конечностей.
Steve Rogers
In the opening scene in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, we see Cap running around Washington D.C. when he first meets Falcon. In this scene, he’s able to leave Sam Wilson in the dust. According to the Captain America: 65th Anniversary special, Steve Rogers can run a mile in one minute when he’s at his top performance level. Generally, he runs about 29 mph but can sometimes go faster.
Спорт от Steve Rogers
8 видов спорта

Captain America Combat Styles

8 styles of fighting he mastered.
Steve Rogers
8 styles of fighting he mastered.