Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o


Драма о маршах протеста, устроенных знаменитым правозащитником Мартином Лютером Кингом в местечке Сельма, штат Алабама.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
I just saw SELMA and it arrested me. History could not be more present.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o

Точка. Конец предложения

В целях улучшения женской гигиены в деревне на севере Индии установлена машина, создающая недорогие биоразлагаемые гигиенические прокладки. Группа местных женщин занята их производством и продажей, что дает им независимость и возможность просветить окружающих, рассказав об этой деликатной теме.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
В целях улучшения женской гигиены в деревне на севере Индии установлена машина, создающая недорогие биоразлагаемые гигиенические прокладки. Группа местных женщин занята их производством и продажей, что дает им независимость и возможность просветить окружающих, рассказав об этой деликатной теме.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o


Обычное корейское семейство жизнь не балует. Приходится жить в сыром грязном полуподвале, воровать интернет у соседей и перебиваться случайными подработками. Однажды друг сына семейства, уезжая на стажировку за границу, предлагает тому заменить его и поработать репетитором у старшеклассницы в богатой семье Пак. Подделав диплом о высшем образовании, парень отправляется в шикарный дизайнерский особняк и производит на хозяйку дома хорошее впечатление. Тут же ему в голову приходит необычный план по трудоустройству сестры.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
#BongJoonHo’s remarkable #ParasiteMovie is one of the best films I have ever seen, in any language.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o

Король Ричард

Ричард Уильямс - отец теннисисток Серены и Винус Уильямс. Сам он практически никогда не играл в теннис и мало понимал в тренировке профессиональных теннисистов. Он планировал тренировать всех дочерей, но настоящий талант показали только Серена и Винус.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Believe the hype: #KingRichard is a wonderful movie! Viscerally moved by the love, humor and fantastic performances that went into it.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o

Параллельные матери

Судьбы двух женщин пересекаются в родильном отделении. Дженис — успешный фотограф, Ана — запутавшийся подросток. Обе женщины одиноки, а обе беременности не были запланированы. Но случайная встреча оборачивается тесной связью, которая безвозвратно изменит их жизни навсегда.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Do yourselves a favor and watch the film #ParallelMothers! #PenelopeCruz and #MilenaSmit outchea showing what #itscomplicated actually looks like 🤔
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o

Лучшие дни

Отличница Чэнь Нянь стремится вырваться из бедности, поступив в лучший национальный колледж. Ее одноклассница сводит счеты с жизнью из-за буллинга, а потом объектом травли становится сама Нянь. В свой самый темный час она встречает беспризорника-сироту Бэя, и между двумя покалеченными душами возникает связь. Но когда они входят в сложный взрослый мир, те невинные обеты, которые некогда Нянь и Бэй принесли друг другу, уже вряд ли смогут вывести их из тьмы.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Do not sleep on the movie, #FilmBetterDays from Hong Kong. The most haunting and devastatingly beautiful love story I have ever consumed. Period.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o

Miss Juneteenth

Бывшая королева красоты и мать-одиночка готовит свою дочь-бунтарку к конкурсу красоты. Кто станет следующей Мисс Свобода?
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
It is no mistake, @NikkiBeharie deserves that crown on her head! #MissJuneteenth
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o


Из Европы отправляется в Новый Свет корабль с нашим героем Джоном Смитом. Экипаж, как объясняет капитан, плывет навстречу приключениям, успеху, богатству. Но сам капитан намерен найти там нечто вполне определенное - золото. А живут в Америке индейцы, и рассказ пойдет о благородной принцессе Покахонтас - красивой дочери вождя индейцев. У нее есть друг - веселый и любопытный енот, который очень любит проказничать. Однажды, во время прогулки, Покахонтас замечает большой корабль с белокожими незнакомцами на борту. "Эти Белые Люди принесут много бед нашему народу!" - предсказывает вождь. Капитан корабля из-за жажды золота начинает войну против мирного индейского народа. Сможет ли Покахонтас предотвратить неизбежную войну и спасти свой народ?...
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Who is your favorite Disney character? - Pocahontas.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o

The Nutty Professor

Любовь заставляет страдающего от чрезмерной полноты профессора Шермана Клампа провести над собой смелый эксперимент. Чудодейственный препарат превращает неуклюжего, но доброго и деликатного толстяка в нахального повесу-ловеласа.Две ипостаси гениального ученого вступают в борьбу за право существования. Неконтролируемые метаморфозы героя порождают множество комических ситуаций.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Which comedy would you have loved to star in? - The Nutty Professor.
Фильмы от Lupita Nyong'o


У Энни в личной жизни полный бардак, и ей совсем не до веселья. Но девушке придется забыть о своих проблемах: ведь вскоре ей предстоит отправиться на девичник к лучшей подруге. Девочки оторвутся так, как мальчикам и не снилось…
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
What's your favorite comedy of all time? - Bridesmaids.
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

Born A Crime

WINNER OF THE THURBER PRIZEThe compelling, inspiring, (often comic) coming-of-age story of Trevor Noah, set during the twilight of apartheid and the tumultuous days of freedom that followed.One of the comedy world's brightest new voices, Trevor Noah is a light-footed but sharp-minded observer of the absurdities of politics, race and identity, sharing jokes and insights drawn from the wealth of experience acquired in his relatively young life. As host of the US hit show The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, he provides viewers around the globe with their nightly dose of biting satire, but here Noah turns his focus inward, giving readers a deeply personal, heartfelt and humorous look at the world that shaped him. Noah was born a crime, son of a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother, at a time when such a union was punishable by five years in prison. Living proof of his parents' indiscretion, Trevor was kept mostly indoors for the first years of his life, bound by the extreme and often absurd measures his mother took to hide him from a government that could, at any moment, take him away.A collection of eighteen personal stories, Born a Crime tells the story of a mischievous young boy growing into a restless young man as he struggles to find his place in a world where he was never supposed to exist. Born a Crime is equally the story of that young man's fearless, rebellious and fervently religious mother - a woman determined to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence and abuse that ultimately threatens her own life.Whether subsisting on caterpillars for dinner during hard times, being thrown from a moving car during an attempted kidnapping, or just trying to survive the life-and-death pitfalls of dating in high school, Noah illuminates his curious world with an incisive wit and an unflinching honesty. His stories weave together to form a personal portrait of an unlikely childhood in a dangerous time, as moving and unforgettable as the very best memoirs and as funny as Noah's own hilarious stand-up. Born a Crime is a must read.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
When I read @Trevornoah's "Born A Crime," I could not put the book down. Excited to announce that I will be starring in and producing its feature film adaptation!
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

Freckleface Strawberry: Backpacks!

Academy Award–winning actress and New York Times bestselling author Julianne Moore brings us more adventures from Freckleface Strawberry! Freckleface and her best friend, Windy Pants Patrick, each have something secret in their backpacks: sticky, gooey gum and a squished, messy donut. When it comes time to pull their homework from their backpacks to hand in to the teacher, suddenly their snack choices seem like a really bad idea. With predictable sentence patterns, simple words, frequent repetition, and bright, colorful illustrations, this is a new Freckleface Strawberry book that young readers can read all by themselves!"Moore offers another delightful tale of her red-headed heroine, Freckleface Strawberry."—School Library Journal
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
“Another odd-one-out story told with lightness, humor and lots of love. Freckleface Strawberry and Sulwe would make great friends.” -LN
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

Return to Love

Back by popular demand -- and newly updated by the author -- the mega-bestselling spiritual guide in which Marianne Williamson shares her reflections on A Course in Miracles and her insights on the application of love in the search for inner peace.Williamson reveals how we each can become a miracle worker by accepting God and by the expression of love in our daily lives. Whether psychic pain is in the area of relationships, career, or health, she shows us how love is a potent force, the key to inner peace, and how by practicing love we can make our own lives more fulfilling while creating a more peaceful and loving world for our children.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
“I come to this book again and again to remind myself what the practice of love is.” -LN
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

Saga Vol. 1

From New York Times bestselling writer BRIAN K.VAUGHAN (Y: THE LAST MAN, EX MACHINA) and critically acclaimed artist FIONA STAPLES (MYSTERY SOCIETY, NORTH 40), SAGA is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in a sexy, subversive drama for adults. This specially priced volume collects the first arc of the smash hit series The Onion A.V. Club calls "the emotional epic Hollywood wishes it could make. Collects SAGA #1-6
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
“A friend of mine recommended it as a good introduction to comic book reading for adults, and I latched onto it. It’s Romeo and Juliet passion meets Star Wars epic and Game of Thrones provocativeness but with sharp and witty dialogue and incredibly imaginative illustration. My favorite character: Lying Cat: a cat that, instead of meowing, says, ‘lying’ every time someone lies in its presence – now that’s a superpower I would want!” -LN
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

A Life in Parts

“Nothing short of riveting...an engrossing first-person account by one of our finest actors” (Huffington Post)—both a coming-of-age story and a meditation on creativity, devotion, and craft—Bryan Cranston, beloved and acclaimed star of one of history’s most successful TV shows, Breaking Bad.Bryan Cranston began his acting career at the age of seven, when his father, a struggling actor and sometime director, cast him in a commercial for United Way. By fifth grade he was starring in the school play, spending hours at the local movie theater, and re-enacting favorite scenes with his brother in their living room. Cranston seemed destined to be an actor. But then his father left. And his family fell apart. Troubled by his father’s missteps, Cranston abandoned his acting aspirations and resolved to pursue a steadier career in law enforcement. Then, on a two-year cross-country motorcycle journey, Cranston re-discovered his talent for acting and found his mission and his calling. In this “must-read memoir” (The Philadelphia Inquirer), Cranston traces the many roles he inhabited throughout his remarkable life, both on and off screen. For the first time he shares the story of his early years as an actor on the soap opera Loving, his recurring spots on Seinfeld, and his time as bumbling father Hal on Malcolm in the Middle, to his tour-de-force, Tony-winning performance as Lyndon Baines Johnson in Broadway’s All the Way, to his most iconic role of all: Breaking Bad’s Walter White. “An illuminating window into the actor’s psyche” (People), Cranston has much to say about creativity, devotion, and craft, as well as innate talent and its challenges and benefits and proper maintenance. “By turns gritty, funny, and sad” (Entertainment Weekly), ultimately A Life in Parts is a story about the joy, the necessity, and the transformative power of simple hard work.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
“A very frank, unsentimental and yet heartfelt account of Mr. Cranston’s life with some invaluable practical tips for how to navigate decision making in the entertainment business.” -LN
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

An Exaltation of Larks

A delightfully unexpected, lovingly curated ode to the unique collective nouns that adorn our language, from “a leap of leopards” to “a murder of crows” and beyond, from the inimitable voice behind Inside the Actors Studio“I am madly in love with collective nouns! They make language so colorful and ticklish. . . . [An Exaltation of Larks] possess[es] an embarrassment of riches (wink wink!).” —Lupita Nyong’o, The New York TimesFor those who have wondered if the familiar “pride of lions” and “gaggle of geese” were merely the tip of a linguistic iceberg, James Lipton has provided a definitive answer: here are hundreds of equally pithy, often poetic terms he has unearthed and collected into one exhaustive volume. Over years of painstaking research, he embarked on an odyssey that has given us a “slouch of models,” a “shrivel of critics,” an “unction of undertakers,” a “blur of Impressionists,” a “score of bachelors,” a “pocket of quarterbacks,” and many more.Witty, beautiful, and remarkably apt, An Exaltation of Larks is a brilliant compendium of more than 1,100 resurrected or newly minted contributions to that ever-evolving species, the English language.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
“A book on collective nouns that I read from often, and I wish more people knew about it. I am madly in love with collective nouns! They make language so colorful and ticklish. I love throwing them into casual conversation.” -LN
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

A Visible Man

* THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ** A BBC RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK *'I wish he could be editor of the world!' GRAHAM NORTON'Enjoy it. Share it.' IDRIS ELBA'Inspirational . . . and it's not just for people in fashion' CLAUDIA WINKLEMAN'One of the most inspirational books I've ever read' CHRIS EVANS'Inspiring and fascinating' BERNARDINE EVARISTO'Courageously truthful' SALMAN RUSHDIE'Edward Enninful is a pioneer' ELIZABETH DAY-Why look back when you can look forward? Why look in when you can look out? Where's the next evolution? I throw everything into my work, but once it's done, I'm really more concerned with what's new. The future is my thing.Edward Enninful has lived an extraordinary life.Here, for the first time, he shares the inspiring story of his journey, beginning in a childhood bedroom in Ghana overlooking firing squads, to arriving in 1990s London as an asylum seeker, to today setting the cultural agenda as the first Black editor-in-chief of British Vogue. His covers have changed our understanding of beauty and desirability. Featuring exclusively African models, first responders, global activists and the oldest cover star at age 85, they have also broken sales records. This is the story of how he did it.A Visible Man is the story of a husband, son, brother, friend – and icon. Taking us from the neon thrills of Soho clubs to nights spent on friends' sofas, this is the story of Edward's phenomenal grit and determination: through fame and failures, joy and loss, ill health and addiction, heartbreak and coming out. It's the story of one man's revolutionary mission to change how we see the world, showing how unwavering passion and perseverance can allow anyone to make their mark.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
I highly recommend this beautiful book from my beautiful friend! 🖤edward_enninful’s life is groundbreaking and we’re so lucky he captured it in his memoir, #AVisibleMan.
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

Just as I Am

“In her long and extraordinary career, Cicely Tyson has not only succeeded as an actor, she has shaped the course of history.” –President Barack Obama, 2016 Presidential Medal of Freedom ceremony“Just as I Am is my truth. It is me, plain and unvarnished, with the glitter and garland set aside. In these pages, I am indeed Cicely, the actress who has been blessed to grace the stage and screen for six decades. Yet I am also the church girl who once rarely spoke a word. I am the teenager who sought solace in the verses of the old hymn for which this book is named. I am a daughter and a mother, a sister and a friend. I am an observer of human nature and the dreamer of audacious dreams. I am a woman who has hurt as immeasurably as I have loved, a child of God divinely guided by his hand. And here in my ninth decade, I am a woman who, at long last, has something meaningful to say.” –Cicely Tyson
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
I can't wait to read IAmCicelyTyson's new book, #JustAsIAm, which details her six-decade career on and off the screen. Without the gains of women like her, women like me would have much greater pains to bear in the arts.
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o


Соединив естественнонаучный подход с историческим, доктор Юваль Харари ставит под сомнение многие общепринятые идеи, обнаруживает связи между событиями прошлого и нашими сегодняшними опасениями и рассматривает отдельные события в едином глобальном контексте. Прослеживая, как развивающееся человечество влияло на глобальную экосистему и анализируя судьбы империй, доктор Харари заглядывает в будущее. За последние несколько десятилетий мы научились изменять закон естественного отбора, управлявший жизнью на протяжении 4 миллиардов лет, и у нас впервые появляется способность пересоздавать не только окружающий мир, но и самих себя. Кем же мы хотим стать, и куда это нас приведет?
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
What do you plan to read next? “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind,” by Yuval Noah Harari." I am trying to figure out what the devil is wrong with us that we seem so hell bent on destroying ourselves!
Книги от Lupita Nyong'o

Book of Yiddish proverbs and slang

Gathers a wide variety of Yiddish idioms, slang words, proverbs, curses, colloquialisms, and ribald expressions
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
What book might people be surprised to find on your shelves? A book of Yiddish proverbs.
Cериалы от Lupita Nyong'o

Our Great National Parks

Narrated by former President Barack Obama, this stunning docuseries shines the spotlight on some of the planet's most spectacular national parks.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Also on #EarthDay, you must watch #OurGreatNationalParks narrated by President @barackobama on @Netflix. From Monterey Bay to Kenya's Tsavo National Park and the Chilean Patagonia, it showcases the world's most iconic national parks & why preserving them for the future is a must.
Cериалы от Lupita Nyong'o

Jane the Virgin

Джейн выросла под влиянием строгой латиноамериканской бабушки, которая с ранних лет учила внучку скромности и воздержанию. Даже став красивой молодой женщиной, она оставалась целомудренной и пресекала все неприличные поползновения своего жениха. Но обычный поход к гинекологу изменил всю жизнь Джейн. Она стала жертвой случайного искусственного оплодотворения! Мир перевернулся с ног на голову, и теперь ей предстоит принять сложное решение, разобраться с шокированной родней, познакомиться с биологическим отцом малыша и сделать еще много такого, о чем две недели назад она не могла и подумать.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Last TV show I binge watched: Jane the Virgin
Cериалы от Lupita Nyong'o

Game of Thrones

К концу подходит время благоденствия, и лето, длившееся почти десятилетие, угасает. Вокруг средоточия власти Семи Королевств, Железного трона, зреет заговор, и в это непростое время король решает искать поддержки у друга юности Эддарда Старка. В мире, где все — от короля до наёмника — рвутся к власти, плетут интриги и готовы вонзить нож в спину, есть место и благородству, состраданию и любви. Между тем, никто не замечает пробуждение тьмы из легенд далеко на Севере — и лишь Стена защищает живых к югу от неё.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
I don't really have the patience to binge-watch anything, except for Game of Thrones, which I actually forced myself to take a break from so that I wouldn't run out of episodes.
Cериалы от Lupita Nyong'o


Специалист по связям с общественностью Оливия Поуп, ранее работавшая на президента США, создает свое антикризисное агенство, цель которого — устранять проблемы высокопоставленных клиентов до того, как они станут всеобщим достоянием. Но если Вы посвящаете 24 часа в сутки решению проблем других людей, у Вас просто не будет времени, чтобы заняться своей собственной жизнью. Поэтому несмотря на то, что Оливия и ее команда самых блестящих специалистов прекрасно справляются с решением самых деликатных ситуаций своих клиентов, их собственная жизнь полна всякого рода проблем.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
I don't own a TV—I never have. But I watch Orange Is the New Black on my computer, and I'm excited to catch up on Scandal.
Cериалы от Lupita Nyong'o

Orange Is the New Black

Пайпер Чепмен — обычная жительница Коннектикута. Она любит свою благополучную жизнь и все её приятные мелочи. Душ по утрам, красивый завтрак, занятия любовью. Но случается так, что благодаря своему мимолетному увлечению крупным наркоторговцем, Пайпер оказывается заключенной в тюрьму на долгие пятнадцать месяцев. Отныне ей необходимо не только привыкнуть к новому окружению, но и просто — выжить.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
I don't own a TV—I never have. But I watch Orange Is the New Black on my computer.
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

Nina Simone

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Favorite non-living musician? - Nina Simone.
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

John Legend

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Favorite living musician? - John Legend.
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

The Temptations

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
What's your favorite band of all time? - The Temptations
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

So Special

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
What song pumps you up the most at the gym? - Umm, So Special by Mavado.
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

Bed of Stone

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Not only did I meet one of my favourite artists tonight, but I also learned she has a new album!!! #Asa #BedOfStone
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

Make Me Feel

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Can't get enough of @JanelleMonae 's Make Me Feel. Stop teasing us and drop the whole album already!
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o


Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
The song I like to get ready to right now is BROWN SKIN GIRL by Beyonce.
Музыка от Lupita Nyong'o

Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment

Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Latest Music Jam: Donnie Trumpet & the Social Experiment.
Приложения от Lupita Nyong'o

Calm - Meditate, Sleep, Relax

Calm is a leading app for meditation and sleep. Join the millions experiencing lower stress, less anxiety, and more restful sleep with our guided meditations, Sleep Stories, breathing programs, masterclasses, and relaxing music. Recommended by top psychologists, therapists, and mental health experts. Calm is the perfect mindfulness app for beginners, but also includes hundreds of programs for intermediate and advanced users. Guided meditation sessions are available in lengths of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 minutes so you can choose the perfect length to fit with your schedule.
Lupita Nyong'o
Актриса, Писатель
Go-to app: Calm, , for meditation and mindfulness.