Фильмы от Keanu Reeves

Ночь живых мертвецов

Барбра и её брат Джонни приезжают на кладбище, расположенное в уединённом загородном месте. Неожиданно на них совершают нападение существа, напоминающие мертвецов, восставших из могил. Барбра укрывается в расположенном неподалёку доме, где также находят убежище темнокожий парень по имени Бен, супруги Гарри и Хелен Куперы с дочерью Карен, а также возлюбленные Том и Джуди. Лишь спустя время им удаётся узнать, что причиной катастрофы, уже принявшей планетарный масштаб, является радиоактивное излучение, занесённое с Венеры одним из космических кораблей НАСА.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
Growing up to the original "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" was amazing. As entertainment, but also the way social commentary was there. And the "Night of the Living Dead."
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Обеспокоенная новыми сообщениями о том, что вандалы и хулиганы испоганили далекое кладбище в Техасе, где похоронен ее дедушка, Салли и ее прикованный к инвалидной коляске брат Франклин Хардести собирают своих друзей и на семейном автофургончике отправляются проверить, не повреждена ли дедушкина могила. Оказавшись в районе кладбища, они заодно решают навестить старую ферму, где жил их дедуля. По соседству расположена еще одна ферма, внешне довольно-таки неприятная. Она разукрашена жуткими предметами, сделанными из кожи и костей людей и животных, а живет там семейка рабочих со скотобойни. Самый страшный из них «Кожаное Лицо». Он носит маску из человеческой плоти и умело управляется с бензопилой.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
Growing up to the original "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" was amazing. As entertainment, but also the way social commentary was there.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves
6 фильмов

Keanu Reeves' 6 Favorite Documentaries

Keanu Reeves revealed 6 of his favorite documentaries and his selection is unexpected and amazing! Take a look for yourself.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
Keanu Reeves revealed 6 of his favorite documentaries and his selection is unexpected and amazing! Take a look for yourself.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves


В основу сюжета положена реальная история нью-йоркского полицейского, который обнаруживает, что в его работе понятия честь и честность не являются обязательными. Он стойко переносит презрение и плохое отношение к себе со стороны других полицейских, стараясь честно выполнять свою работу.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
What is your favorite movie dog? Oh, I think as a kid, Al Pacino's dog in Serpico.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Эксцентричный кондитер Вилли Вонка способен осуществить мечты любого ребенка. В качестве коммерческого приема он спрятал пять золотых билетов в шоколадные батончики и решил испытать честность победителей. Но во время тура по стране лакомств необходимо соблюдать твердые правила, иначе не будет самой главной награды - пожизненного обеспечения шоколадом Вилли Вонка.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
And today for my favorite movie, I will pick - AHAAHAHAAAAAA I can't decide! oday I will pick: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the original, not the remake).
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves


История о Генри Хилле — начинающем гангстере, занимающемся грабежами вместе с подельниками Джими Конвеем и Томми Де Вито, которые с легкостью убивают любого, кто встаёт у них на пути.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
What is a movie you never get tired of watching? You know, it's classics like Goodfellas, Apocalypse Now, anything by Stanley Kubrick or David Lean or Frank Capra. Anything by Scorsese. Let's start with those.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves

Ghost in the Shell

2029 год. Благодаря повсеместно распространившимся компьютерным сетям и кибер-технологиям, границы между государствами окончательно стёрлись. Давно разыскиваемый хакер по кличке «Кукловод» начинает вмешиваться в политику. И группа кибернетически модифицированных полицейских из «9-го Отдела» Министерства Общественной Безопасности получает задание найти и остановить его. Но в ходе расследования возникает вопрос: кто же такой «Кукловод» в том мире где грань между человеком и машиной практически стёрта?..
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
What's your favorite anime, if any? You know, one of the first that I was exposed to was Ghost in the Shell and that was a cool moment to see that.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves


Нервный Генри, живущий в промышленном городке, состоящем из дыма, шума и теней, вынужден жениться на своей подруге, после того, как она заявляет, что беременна, и в итоге становится отцом маленького, не похожего на человека ребенка-мутанта. Теперь перед семьей встает проблема с выхаживанием этого чудовища…
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
I had been really affected by Eraserhead by David Lynch, and he was just really an open, cool, hanging out guy.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves

Easy Rider

Два друга садятся на мотоциклы и уезжают из Лос-Анджелеса, чтобы насладиться романтикой свободы и путешествия. Но чем дальше они едут по просторам Америки, тем более ясно им становится, что свободные люди родине не нужны…
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
I had been really affected by Eraserhead by David Lynch, and he was just really an open, cool, hanging out guy. To me, he is someone I grew up watching and was inspired by in Apocalypse Now and Easy Rider.
Фильмы от Keanu Reeves

Apocalypse Now

Во время войны во Вьетнаме спецагент отправляется вверх по реке в Камбоджу с приказом найти и убить полусумасшедшего полковника, создавшего в отдаленном районе нечто вроде собственного королевства насилия. По пути мы видим почти сюрреалистический мир ужасов войны.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
To me, he is someone I grew up watching and was inspired by in Apocalypse Now and Easy Rider.
Книги от Keanu Reeves

Diet for a New America

From John Robbins, a new edition of the classic that awakened the conscience of a nation. Since the 1987 publication of Diet for a New America, beef consumption in the United States has fallen a remarkable 19%. While many forces are contributing to this dramatic shift in our habits, Diet for a New America is considered to be one of the most important. Diet for a New America is a startling examination of the food we currently buy and eat in the United States, and the astounding moral, economic, and emotional price we pay for it. In Section I, John Robbins takes an extraordinary look at our dependence on animals for food and the inhumane conditions under which these animals are raised. It becomes clear that the price we pay for our eating habits is measured in the suffering of animals, a suffering so extreme and needless that it disrupts our very place in the web of life. Section II challenges the belief that consuming meat is a requirement for health by pointing our the vastly increased rate of disease caused by pesticides, hormones, additives, and other chemicals now a routine part of our food production. The author shows us that the high health risk is unnecessary, and that the production, preparation, and consumption of food can once again be a healthy process. In Section III, Robbins looks at the global implications of a meat-based diet and concludes that the consumption of the resources necessary to produce meat is a major factor in our ecological crisis. Diet for a New America is the single most eloquent argument for a vegetarian lifestyle ever published. Eloquently, evocatively, and entertainingly written, it is a cant put down book guaranteed to amaze, infuriate, but ultimately educate and empower the reader. A pivotal book nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Non-Fiction in 1987.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
In a recent interview, he stated that he adopted a vegan diet after reading John Robbins' book "Diet for a New America," which motivated him to adopt a more healthy and sustainable way of living.
Книги от Keanu Reeves

The Niagara River

A mesmerizing collection from the US Poet Laureate whose work is “as intense and elliptical as [Emily] Dickinson, as buoyant and rueful as [Robert] Frost” (J. D. McClatchy, American Poet). In granting the prestigious Ruth Lilly Prize to Kay Ryan, Poetry magazine editor Christian Wiman wrote that “[she] can take any subject and make it her own. Her poems—which combine extreme concision and formal expertise with broad subjects and deep feeling—could never be mistaken for anyone else’s. Her work has the kind of singularity and sustained integrity that are very, very rare.” Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Kay Ryan’s poems are “Fabergé eggs, tiny, ingenious devices that inevitably conceal some hidden wonder.” The Niagara River is full of such hidden gems. Bafflingly effective, the poems in this collection seem too brief and blithe to pack so much wallop. Their singular music makes it clear why her poetry has been featured everywhere from the Sunday funnies to New York subways to plaques at the zoo to the pages of The New Yorker and The Paris Review (Salon). “Empathic and wryly unforgiving of the human condition, the poems [in The Niagara River] are equal parts pith and punch. The effect is bracing.” —Publishers Weekly
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
A mesmerizing collection from the US Poet Laureate whose work is “as intense and elliptical as [Emily] Dickinson, as buoyant and rueful as [Robert] Frost” (J. D. McClatchy, American Poet). In granting the prestigious Ruth Lilly Prize to Kay Ryan, Poetry magazine editor Christian Wiman wrote that “[she] can take any subject and make it her own. Her poems—which combine extreme concision and formal expertise with broad subjects and deep feeling—could never be mistaken for anyone else’s. Her work has the kind of singularity and sustained integrity that are very, very rare.” Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Kay Ryan’s poems are “Fabergé eggs, tiny, ingenious devices that inevitably conceal some hidden wonder.” The Niagara River is full of such hidden gems. Bafflingly effective, the poems in this collection seem too brief and blithe to pack so much wallop. Their singular music makes it clear why her poetry has been featured everywhere from the Sunday funnies to New York subways to plaques at the zoo to the pages of The New Yorker and The Paris Review (Salon). “Empathic and wryly unforgiving of the human condition, the poems [in The Niagara River] are equal parts pith and punch. The effect is bracing.” —Publishers Weekly
Книги от Keanu Reeves

Say Uncle

“A poetry collection that marries wit and wisdom more brilliantly than any I know” by the Pulitzer Prize–winning former US Poet Laureate (Jane Hirshfield, author of Come, Thief). Filled with wry logic and a magical, unpredictable musicality, Kay Ryan’s poems continue to generate excitement with their frequent appearances in The New Yorker and other leading periodicals. Say Uncle, Ryan’s fifth collection, is filled with the same hidden connections, the same slyness and almost gleeful detachment that has delighted readers of her earlier books. Compact, searching, and oddly beautiful, these poems, in the words of internationally acclaimed poet and writer Dana Gioia, “take the shape of an idea clarifying itself.” “The first thing you notice about her poems is an elbow-to-the-ribs playfulness.” —San Francisco Chronicle “The short lines and quick images—almost snapshots—are elemental. Ryan puts them together, then pulls them apart, and twists them in playful fashion, as though she were an alchemist with a modern experimental attitude . . . Truly short-line, one-stanza (for the most part) wonders: full-brained poems in a largely half-brained world.” —Kirkus Reviews “Witty, charming, serious and delightful . . . her tight structures, odd rhymes and ethical judgments place her more firmly in the tradition of Marianne Moore and, latterly, Amy Clampitt. Those poets, though, wrote many kinds of poems: Ryan, in this volume, writes just one kind. It is, however, a kind worth looking out for—well crafted, understated, funny and smart.” —Publishers Weekly
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
“A poetry collection that marries wit and wisdom more brilliantly than any I know” by the Pulitzer Prize–winning former US Poet Laureate (Jane Hirshfield, author of Come, Thief). Filled with wry logic and a magical, unpredictable musicality, Kay Ryan’s poems continue to generate excitement with their frequent appearances in The New Yorker and other leading periodicals. Say Uncle, Ryan’s fifth collection, is filled with the same hidden connections, the same slyness and almost gleeful detachment that has delighted readers of her earlier books. Compact, searching, and oddly beautiful, these poems, in the words of internationally acclaimed poet and writer Dana Gioia, “take the shape of an idea clarifying itself.” “The first thing you notice about her poems is an elbow-to-the-ribs playfulness.” —San Francisco Chronicle “The short lines and quick images—almost snapshots—are elemental. Ryan puts them together, then pulls them apart, and twists them in playful fashion, as though she were an alchemist with a modern experimental attitude . . . Truly short-line, one-stanza (for the most part) wonders: full-brained poems in a largely half-brained world.” —Kirkus Reviews “Witty, charming, serious and delightful . . . her tight structures, odd rhymes and ethical judgments place her more firmly in the tradition of Marianne Moore and, latterly, Amy Clampitt. Those poets, though, wrote many kinds of poems: Ryan, in this volume, writes just one kind. It is, however, a kind worth looking out for—well crafted, understated, funny and smart.” —Publishers Weekly
Книги от Keanu Reeves

A Sport and a Pastime

The growth and demise of a love affair is chronicled in Salter's portrait of the relationship between a young Yale dropout and the provincial French girl who becomes his mistress.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
The growth and demise of a love affair is chronicled in Salter's portrait of the relationship between a young Yale dropout and the provincial French girl who becomes his mistress.
Книги от Keanu Reeves

The Butcher

This novel is a frank and vivid account of sexual awakening. A young woman spending her summer holiday in a seaside town is drawn towards an inevitable sexual encounter with the butcher she is working for. This volume also contains the stories Lucie's Long Voyage and The Fatal Bodice
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
This novel is a frank and vivid account of sexual awakening. A young woman spending her summer holiday in a seaside town is drawn towards an inevitable sexual encounter with the butcher she is working for. This volume also contains the stories Lucie's Long Voyage and The Fatal Bodice
Книги от Keanu Reeves

Облачный атлас

«Облачный атлас» подобен зеркальному лабиринту, в котором перекликаются, наслаиваясь друг на друга, шесть голосов: нотариуса середины девятнадцатого века, возвращающегося в США из Австралии; молодого композитора, вынужденного торговать душой и телом в Европе между мировыми войнами; журналистки в Калифорнии 1970-х, раскрывающей корпоративный заговор; мелкого издателя — нашего современника, умудрившегося сорвать банк на бандитской автобиографии «Удар кастетом» и бегущего от кредиторов; клона-прислуги из предприятия быстрого питания в Корее — стране победившего киберпанка; и гавайского козопаса на закате цивилизации. Впервые на русском — новый монументальный шедевр от автора знаменитого «Сна №9», также вошедший в шортлист Букеровской премии.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
«Облачный атлас» подобен зеркальному лабиринту, в котором перекликаются, наслаиваясь друг на друга, шесть голосов: нотариуса середины девятнадцатого века, возвращающегося в США из Австралии; молодого композитора, вынужденного торговать душой и телом в Европе между мировыми войнами; журналистки в Калифорнии 1970-х, раскрывающей корпоративный заговор; мелкого издателя — нашего современника, умудрившегося сорвать банк на бандитской автобиографии «Удар кастетом» и бегущего от кредиторов; клона-прислуги из предприятия быстрого питания в Корее — стране победившего киберпанка; и гавайского козопаса на закате цивилизации. Впервые на русском — новый монументальный шедевр от автора знаменитого «Сна №9», также вошедший в шортлист Букеровской премии.
Книги от Keanu Reeves

Molecular Gastronomy

“Taking kitchen science to a whole new (molecular) level, Hervé This is changing the way France---and the world—cooks.”—Gourmet Bringing the instruments and experimental techniques of the laboratory into the kitchen, Hervé This—international celebrity and founder of molecular gastronomy—uses recent research in the chemistry, physics, and biology of food to challenge traditional ideas about cooking and eating. What he discovers will entertain, instruct, and intrigue cooks, gourmets, and scientists alike.Molecular Gastronomy is filled with practical tips, provocative suggestions, and penetrating insights. This begins by reexamining and debunking a variety of time-honored rules and dictums about cooking and presents new and improved ways of preparing a variety of dishes from quiches and quenelles to steak and hard-boiled eggs. Looking to the future, This imagines new cooking methods and proposes novel dishes. A chocolate mousse without eggs? A flourless chocolate cake baked in the microwave? Molecular Gastronomy explains how to make them. This also shows us how to cook perfect French fries, why a soufflé rises and falls, how long to cool champagne, when to season a steak, the right way to cook pasta, how the shape of a wine glass affects the taste of wine, why chocolate turns white, and how salt modifies tastes. “A captivating little book.”—Economist “This book, praiseworthy for its scientific rigor, will hold a special appeal for anyone who relishes the debunking of culinary myths.”—Saveur “Will broaden the way you think about food.”—The New York Sun “A wonderful book . . . it will appeal to anyone with an interest in the science of cooking.”—O Chef
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
“Taking kitchen science to a whole new (molecular) level, Hervé This is changing the way France---and the world—cooks.”—Gourmet Bringing the instruments and experimental techniques of the laboratory into the kitchen, Hervé This—international celebrity and founder of molecular gastronomy—uses recent research in the chemistry, physics, and biology of food to challenge traditional ideas about cooking and eating. What he discovers will entertain, instruct, and intrigue cooks, gourmets, and scientists alike.Molecular Gastronomy is filled with practical tips, provocative suggestions, and penetrating insights. This begins by reexamining and debunking a variety of time-honored rules and dictums about cooking and presents new and improved ways of preparing a variety of dishes from quiches and quenelles to steak and hard-boiled eggs. Looking to the future, This imagines new cooking methods and proposes novel dishes. A chocolate mousse without eggs? A flourless chocolate cake baked in the microwave? Molecular Gastronomy explains how to make them. This also shows us how to cook perfect French fries, why a soufflé rises and falls, how long to cool champagne, when to season a steak, the right way to cook pasta, how the shape of a wine glass affects the taste of wine, why chocolate turns white, and how salt modifies tastes. “A captivating little book.”—Economist “This book, praiseworthy for its scientific rigor, will hold a special appeal for anyone who relishes the debunking of culinary myths.”—Saveur “Will broaden the way you think about food.”—The New York Sun “A wonderful book . . . it will appeal to anyone with an interest in the science of cooking.”—O Chef
Книги от Keanu Reeves

Kinski Uncut

"From his tortured childhood in the poverty of prewar Berlin - starving, stealing, perpetually frostbitten - his conscription, at age sixteen, into the German army in the last year of World War II, and on through his rise to international stardom as a film actor, Kinski carried with him a personal hell: an unendurable sense of isolation ameliorated only through acting and sex. Acting would raise him from squalid poverty to international celebrity. It would send him from Old World Europe to fast-and-loose Hollywood, from the back lots of Hong Kong's movie factories to the deepest jungles of Africa. To maintain his lifestyle and satiate his creative needs, he appeared in more than 160 films, anything from schlock Hollywood comedies to classics such as Aguirre and Fitzcarraldo. His Casanovian pursuit of sex, beginning as a child with his sister and on through countless liaisons - from Moroccan prostitutes to the rich and famous - is chronicled in graphic detail."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
"Like Hemingway meets Georges Bataille. It’s fantastic!" - Keanu Reeves
Книги от Keanu Reeves

Noa Noa

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
It's wonderful... It's one of the early drafts of the Gauguin's script. 'Noa Noa' like Gauguin is complicated.
Книги от Keanu Reeves
3 книги

Keanu Reeves Required Books for Matrix - 3 Reads

3 books Keanu Reeves had to read prior to acting his role as Neo in legendary "Matrix."
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
3 books Keanu Reeves had to read prior to acting his role as Neo in legendary "Matrix."
Cериалы от Keanu Reeves

The Century of the Self

Признанный сериал Адама Кертиса рассматривает подъем всепоглощающего "Я" на фоне династии Фрейдов. Для многих, как в политике, так и в бизнесе триумф личности является высшим выражением демократии, когда власть наконец перешла к народу. Конечно, люди могут чувствовать, что они ответственны, но так ли это на самом деле? «Столетие личности» рассказывает невообразимую, а иногда и противоречивую историю о росте общества массового потребления в Великобритании и Соединенных Штатах. Как создавалось всепоглощающее "Я", кем и в чьих интересах? Династия Фрейдов находится в центре этой захватывающей социальной истории. Зигмунд Фрейд, основатель психоанализа; Эдвард Бернайс, который изобрел PR-индустрию; Анна Фрейд, преданная дочь Зигмунда; и современный пиар-гуру и правнук Зигмунда, Мэтью Фрейд. Работа Зигмунда Фрейда в бурлящем и мрачном мире подсознания изменила мир. Вводя технику для исследования подсознания, Фрейд предоставил полезные инструменты для понимания тайных желаний масс. Невольно его работа послужила предтечей в мире, полном PR-менеджеров, маркетинговых магнатов и веры общества в то, что стремление к удовлетворению и счастью является конечной целью человека.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
One that was done by Adam Curtis "Century of the Self" at BBC that was pretty remarkable.
Cериалы от Keanu Reeves

Cowboy Bebop

В 2071 году популярной стала профессия охотника за головами — космического ковбоя, путешествующего по обитаемому космосу в поисках преступников, за поимку которых живыми назначена награда, выплачиваемая в марсианских вулонгах. Именно этим зарабатывает себе на жизнь экипаж межпланетного корабля Bebop, на котором судьба сводит четырёх человек и одну собаку.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
There are few actors in Hollywood who are as loved as Keanu Reeves. The down-to-Earth actor made his mark in films like The Matrix, and Reeves had wanted to carry his action movie prowess over to Cowboy Bebop back in 2008.
Cериалы от Keanu Reeves

Breaking Bad

Вся жизнь немолодого школьного учителя химии Уолтера Уайта — это борьба. Его зарплаты не хватает на содержание беременной жены и сына-инвалида, поэтому учитель вынужден подрабатывать на автомойке. Но всё меняется, когда Уолтеру ставят страшный диагноз — неоперабельный рак лёгких.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
I do like Breaking Bad. I really enjoyed that series. The performances, the writing, the setup and the cinema, the storytelling. It was very engaging.
Музыка от Keanu Reeves


Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
And who are your all-time favorites? I’d say Fugazi, the Ramones, Exploited, Discharge, early Elvis Costello, the Clash, Violent Femmes, Joy Division, Minor Threat, and Bad Brains. That’s definitely what I cut my teeth on.
Музыка от Keanu Reeves


Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
I like this band Plexi I’ve seen in L.A. And Lifter — I just got their album a few weeks ago.
Музыка от Keanu Reeves

The Doors

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
"How do you feel about the Doors?" I ask him. "The Doors rock," Keanu says. "Do you mean that?" "I do," he says. "Nothin' like 'em." "There's nothin' like Ray's organ sound," I say, "but I think Jim was kind of a buffoon."
Музыка от Keanu Reeves


Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
When he was a high-school kid in Toronto he once drove to Buffalo to see the Ramones. "Yeah, man," he says. "'One two three four—go!' It was fantastic.
Музыка от Keanu Reeves
6 песен

6 Keanu's Favorite Musicians

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
Музыка от Keanu Reeves

Love Will Tear Us Apart - 2010 Remaster

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
What's your favorite song? Today I am going to pick: LOVE WILL TEAR US APART by Joy Division!
Музыка от Keanu Reeves

Someone Great

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
And I've been listening to a song that I really like from LCD Soundsystem, and the song is "Someone Great."
Музыка от Keanu Reeves


Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
I really like this other band Metz, just got their first album which was great.
Музыка от Keanu Reeves

Nine Inch Nails

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
The music I'm listening to right now? Let's see, I just got the new Nine Inch Nails recording.
Вещи от Keanu Reeves

Green Party - 2004 Ducati 998 Matrix Reloaded Edition

Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
This is the Ducati that was in the Matrix Reloaded. Spectacular bike. Beautiful motorcycle .
Вещи от Keanu Reeves

Norton Comando 850 MK2A 1973

Motorcycle brand: Norton 850cc. Model Commando MK2A. 1973. Bike with enrollment French. Fully restored, in perfect state of functioning.
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
The second motorcycle I bought in Los Angeles around 1987. It's a 1973 Norton Commando. I had a lot of good times with this motorcycle. I just grew up really loving Norton's - the upswept pipe it's an English twin Norton was renowned for the featherbed frame which means that the engine is rubber mounted kind of taking a lot of the vibration out of. It's got a nice sound smells good when it heats up the oil and got a lot of miles on that motorcycle
Вещи от Keanu Reeves

Doritos Cool Ranch Flavored Tortilla Chips, 1 Ounce (Pack of 40)

Чипсы Doritos Cool Ranch Flavored Tortilla Chips
Keanu Reeves
Актер, Музыкант
I am not a vegetarian or vegan, I guess I don't really do junk food anymore? But I hope hamburgers don't count as junk food. Ranch style Doritos once in a while, that's pretty good.