Бренды от Elizabeth Warren

Nina McLemore

Elizabeth Warren
The Massachusetts senator has favored jackets by Nina McLemore for years now, and there may be more to her brand loyalty than just her affinity for the designer's Skittles color palette and tailored jackets.
Кулинария от Elizabeth Warren


Popcorn (popped corn, popcorns or pop-corn) is a variety of corn kernel which expands and puffs up when heated; the same names are also used to refer to the foodstuff produced by the expansion. A popcorn kernel's strong hull contains the seed's hard, starchy shell endosperm with 14–20% moisture, which turns to steam as the kernel is heated. Pressure from the steam continues to build until the hull ruptures, allowing the kernel to forcefully expand, from 20 to 50 times its original size, and then cool. Some strains of corn (taxonomized as Zea mays) are cultivated specifically as popping corns. The Zea mays variety everta, a special kind of flint corn, is the most common of these. Popcorn is one of the six major types of corn, which includes dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, flour corn, and sweet corn.
Elizabeth Warren
“I like nothing better than to curl up on the couch with Bruce sits on the left and Bailey sits on the right and the three of us sometimes share a bowl of popcorn and just watch some good TV.”
Хобби от Elizabeth Warren


Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on a particular topic. In a debate, opposing arguments are put forward to argue for opposing viewpoints. Debate occurs in public meetings, academic institutions, and legislative assemblies. It is a formal type of discussion, often with a moderator and an audience, in addition to the debate participants. Logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience are elements in debating, where one side often prevails over the other party by presenting a superior "context" or framework of the issue. In a formal debating contest, there are rules for participants to discuss and decide on differences, within a framework defining how they will do it. Debating is carried out in debating chambers and assemblies of various types to discuss matters and to make resolutions about action to be taken, often by voting. Deliberative bodies such as parliaments, legislative assemblies, and meetings of all sorts engage in debates. In particular, in parliamentary democracies a legislature debates and decides on new laws. Formal debates between candidates for elected office, such as the leaders debates, are sometimes held in democracies. Debating is also carried out for educational and recreational purposes, usually associated with educational establishments and debating societies. Informal and forum debate is relatively common, shown by TV shows such as the Australian talk show, Q&A. The outcome of a contest may be decided by audience vote, by judges, or by some combination of the two.
Elizabeth Warren
State high school champion in debate.
Мероприятия от Elizabeth Warren

Boston's 37th annual Caribbean parade

Elizabeth Warren
I had so much fun marching in the 45th Annual Boston Caribbean Carnival Parade. The streets of Boston were filled with great music, dancing, and delicious food. It was a wonderful celebration of Caribbean culture. #bostoncarnival