Книги от David Bowie

Part 5 of David Bowie TOP 100 Books

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Книги от David Bowie

Mystery Train

The perfect gift for music fans and anyone who loves artists like Elvis Presley, Randy Newman, Sly Stone, Robert Johnson, and Harmonica Frank.In 1975, Greil Marcus’s Mystery Train changed the way readers thought about rock ’n’ roll and continues to be sought out today by music fans and anyone interested in pop culture. Looking at recordings by six key artists—Robert Johnson, Harmonica Frank, Randy Newman, the Band, Sly Stone, and Elvis Presley—Marcus offers a complex and unprecedented analysis of the relationship between rock ‘n’ roll and American culture. In this latest edition, Marcus provides an extensively updated and rewritten Note and Discographies section, exploring the recordings’ evolution and continuing impact.
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Книги от David Bowie

Awopbopaloobop Alopbamboom

From the rise of Bill Haley to the death of Jimi Hendrix, this account of music in the 1950s and 1960s is “the definitive history of rock ‘n’ roll” (Rolling Stone). This is British music journalist Nik Cohn’s classic and cogent history of an unruly era—filled with outrageous tales and vivid descriptions of the music, and covering artists from Elvis Presley to Eddie Cochran to Bob Dylan to the Beatles and beyond. From the father of what would become a new literary form—rock criticism—this is a seminal history of rock and roll’s evolution, including revisions and updates made for a new edition in the early 1970s.
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Книги от David Bowie

The Life and Times of Little Richard

The classic authorized biography that told it all. When Little Richard burst onto the scene in the early 1950s, he sounded like nothing on earth. Drenched in sweat, screaming, hollering and pumping his piano, his stage act was so explosive that for years people assumed the real man could never match the flamboyant public image. Then came Charles White's sensational book exposing the even more astonishing life and times of Richard Wayne Penniman from Georgia. Little Richard made himself a star through sheer force of personality, breaking racial and sexual taboos on his way to becoming the primal force of Fifties rock 'n' roll. Elvis Presley called him 'the greatest'. Otis Redding called him his 'inspiration' and James Brown called him his idol. Charles White is the only author to have captured the true energy of Little Richard. Using Richard's own words, White chronicles a staggering career that spanned the very rules of rock 'n' roll, the rise of The Beatles, tussles with God and The Devil and an erratic series of comebacks. Illustrated with pictures from Little Richard's own archive and including a comprehensive discography.
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Книги от David Bowie


«1984» — роман-антиутопия Джорджа Оруэлла, изданный в 1949 году. Название романа, его терминология и даже имя автора впоследствии стали нарицательными и употребляются для обозначения общественного уклада, напоминающего описанный в романе «1984» тоталитаризм.
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Книги от David Bowie

The Day of the Locust

The great Hollywood novel is now available as a stand-alone New Directions edition Admired by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dorothy Parker, and Dashiell Hammett, and hailed as one of the “Best 100 English-language novels” by Time magazine, The Day of the Locust continues to influence American writers, artists, and culture. Bob Dylan wrote the classic song “Day of the Locusts” in homage and Matt Groening’s Homer Simpson is named after one of its characters. No novel more perfectly captures the nuttier side of Hollywood. Here the lens is turned on its fringes — actors out of work, film extras with big dreams, and parents lining their children up for small roles. But it’s the bit actress Faye Greener who steals the spotlight with her wildly convoluted dreams of stardom: “I’m going to be a star some day—if I’m not I’ll commit suicide.”
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Книги от David Bowie

A Confederacy of Dunces

Это фантастический роман американского писателя Джона Кеннеди Тула, который вышел в свет в 1980 году, спустя одиннадцать лет после самоубийства Тула.
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Книги от David Bowie

English Journey

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Книги от David Bowie

Strange people

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Книги от David Bowie

The Outsider

The Outsider is the seminal work on alienation, creativity, and the modern mind-set. First published more than thirty years ago, it made its youthful author England's most controversial intellectual. The Outsider is an individual engaged in an intense self-exploration-a person who lives at the edge, challenges cultural values, and "stands for Truth." Born into a world without perspective, where others simply drift through life, the Outsider creates his own set of rules and lives them in an unsympathetic environment. The relative handful of people who fulfilled Wilson's definition of the Outsider in the 1950s have now become a significant social force, making Wilson's vision more relevant today than ever. Through the works and lives of various artists-including Kafka, Camus, Eliot, Hemingway, Hesse, Lawrence, Van Gogh, Nijinsky, Shaw, Blake, Nietzsche, and Dostoyevski-Wilson explores the psyche of the Outsider, his effect on society, and society's effect on him. Wilson illuminates the struggle of those who seek not only the transformation of Self but also the transformation of society as a whole. The book is essential for everyone who shares Wilson's conviction that "a new religion is needed."
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Книги от David Bowie


John Self is a consumer extraordinaire. Rolling between London and New York he closes movie deals and spends feverishly, all the while grabbing everything he can to sate his massive appetites: alcohol, tobacco, pills, pornography and mountains of junk food. But John’s excesses haven’t gone unnoted. Menaced by a phone stalker, his high-wire, hoggish lifestyle is about to bring him face-to-face with the secret of his success. 'Terribly, terminally funny: laughter in the dark, if ever I heard it' Guardian
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