Книги от Crystal Reed

10 Books Crystal Reed Recommends

Crystal Reed

Crystal Reed books. Take a look at 10 books Crystal Reed recommended reading. This book list includes books she recommends, gifts, and enjoys rereading. Take a look at Crystal Reed's reading list!
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Книги от Crystal Reed


She's a goodie.
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Книги от Crystal Reed


Read this. Then read this again.
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Книги от Crystal Reed

The Sympathizer

A goodie.
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Книги от Crystal Reed

Reality Is Not What It Seems

Quantum gravity for dum dums.
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Книги от Crystal Reed


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Книги от Crystal Reed

The Luminaries

Absolutely loved this book
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Книги от Crystal Reed

TIME Mindfulness

Scientists are proving what Tibetan monks knew all along: there are real benefits to the pursuit of mindfulness. The practice of meditation, which includes living in the moment and being in touch with your emotions, can change your body and brain, keeping them fit, flexible and resilient as you age. TIME's special edition offers: * Mindfulness tips for everyone, from the novice to the lifetime meditator* The latest research on mindfulness, heart health and sleep* How to bring mindfulness into your day without having to sit still on a cushion.
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Книги от Crystal Reed

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Happy muggle in London.
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Книги от Crystal Reed

Golden House

A little behind the curve but can’t put this one down.
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Книги от Crystal Reed

TIME The Science of Happiness

"Don't worry, be happy." Sounds simple enough, yet many encounter setbacks in their pursuit of happiness. What if we could definitively say: "If you do this, you will achieve a happier and healthier life?" What if we could unlock the key to happiness? Enter Science.In an all new special edition from TIME, The Science of Happiness: New Discoveries for a More Joyful Life, editors investigate exclusive, cutting-edge research from the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness. Focusing in on the debate surrounding whether or not there is a direct relationship between happiness and health, this special edition explores the factors that affect happiness in three outlined sections--mind, life and spirit--and considers aspects such as positivity, optimism, purpose, family, finance, spirituality, and gratitude, in order to examine happiness from different angles. Although the research included in The Science of Happiness is a work in progress, it is a step toward unlocking the key to happiness by grounding a cute catchphrase in fact and science.
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