Фильмы от Chris Evans

Тумстоун: Легенда дикого запада

1871 год. В США закончилась гражданская война. Фермеры, грабители, золотоискатели, убийцы, воры — все отправились на поиски состояний. Нам расскажут легенду о шерифе Эрпе, который отказался от своей работы, чтобы начать нормальную жизнь со своей семьей. Его друг Док Холлидей, южанин и игрок, тоже решил зажить нормальной жизнью. В городе Тумстоун нашли месторождение серебра, началась серебряная лихорадка. Там и решили они осесть. Но в то же время там же организовалась жестокая и огромная банда убийц.
Chris Evans
Movie you’ve seen the most times and why? Maybe Tombstone. Any time it’s on TV, which is a LOT, I have to watch it. Every single scene is so good, and Val Kilmer is fucking phenomenal. If I had to write the entire script from memory, I think I could get at least 80% there.
Фильмы от Chris Evans
13 фильмов

13 Chris Evans Favorite Movies

Chris Evans shared a bunch of films he'd like you to watch.
Chris Evans
Chris Evans shared a bunch of films he'd like you to watch.
Книги от Chris Evans
7 книг

7 Chris Evans' Favorite Books

Here is a list of book recommendations from Chris Evans.
Chris Evans
Here is a list of book recommendations from Chris Evans.
Книги от Chris Evans

The Biology of Belief 10th Anniversary Edition

It has been ten years since the publication of The Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton’s seminal book on the relationship between mind and body that changed the way we think about our lives, our health, and our planet. During that time, research in this field has grown exponentially – Lipton’s groundbreaking experiments have now been endorsed by more than a decade of rigorous scientific study.In this greatly expanded edition, Lipton, a former medical school professor and research scientist, explores his own experiments and those of other leading-edge scientists that have unraveled in ever greater detail how truly connected the mind, body, and spirit are. It is now widely recognized that genes and DNA do not control our biology. Instead, they are controlled by signals from outside the cell, including energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.This profoundly hopeful synthesis of the latest and best research in cell biology and quantum physics puts the power to create a healthy, joyous life back in our own hands. When we transform our conscious and subconscious thoughts, we transform our lives, and in the process help humanity evolve to a new level of understanding and peace.
Chris Evans
There's an author named Bruce Lipton who wrote a book called Biology of Belief and it's a really clever book.
Книги от Chris Evans

Stillness Speaks

New York Times bestselling author Eckhart Tolle — Learn the transformative power of living in the nowAttaining Eckhart Tolle’s state of presence: In Stillness Speaks, Eckhart Tolle illuminates the fundamental elements of his teaching, addressing the needs of the modern seeker by drawing from all spiritual traditions. At the core of the book is what the author calls “the state of presence,” a living in the ‘now’ that is both intensely inspirational and practical.The power of now: When the pressures of future and past thinking disappear, fear and frustration also vanish, conquered by the moment. Stillness Speaks takes the form of 200 individual entries, organized into 10 topic clusters that range from “Beyond the Thinking Mind” to “Suffering and the End of Suffering.” Each entry is concise and complete in itself, but, read together, take on a transformative power.If you have read The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson, or other Eckhart Tolle books such as The Power of Now, you will want to own and read Stillness Speaks.
Chris Evans
He has a quote from a book called Stillness Speaks that I would permanently ink to my body.
Книги от Chris Evans

Сила Момента Сейчас

В этой книге есть сила, способная перенести вас в тихое место за пределами мыслей - туда, где исчезают порожденные разумом проблемы и где человек наконец понимает, что значит самому творить собственную жизнь.
Chris Evans
I really like Eckhart Tolle. He wrote The Power of Now.
Книги от Chris Evans

The Mother of All Questions

Вслед за успехом Men Explain Things to Me появляется новая коллекция эссе, в которых Ребекка Солнит (Rebecca Solnit) открывает феминизм для всех нас: тот, который не стигматизирует жизнь женщин, независимо от того, включают ли они в себя супругов и детей или нет; который приносит сочувствие к молчанию в жизни мужчин, а также к молчанию в жизни женщин.
Chris Evans
He read Rebecca Solnit's The Mother of All Questions, a collection of essays about the insidious side effects of patriarchy, and took away a great deal. "You have to understand that you don't understand," he says.
Книги от Chris Evans

No Death, No Fear

'(Thich Nhat Hanh) shows us the connection between personal, inner peace and peace on earth' His Holiness the Dalai LamaThich Nhat Hanh says: 'Our biggest fear is that we will become nothing when we die. If we think that we cease to exist when we die, we have not looked very deeply at ourselves.'With his usual blend of stories, exquisite analogies and guided meditations, Thich Nhat Hanh takes the reader through the same examination of death, fear and the nature of existence that Buddhist monks and nuns have been performing in their meditations for 2500 years. The understanding of no death comes from exploding the myth of how we think we exist. Knowing how we actually exist produces the state of no fear. This is a new subject for Thich Nhat Hanh and many people will turn to him for his help with fear and death, just as they did for his help with anger.
Chris Evans
Thoughts and prayers with Thich Nhat Hanh. No Death, No Fear is a beautiful book that has helped me in countless ways.
Книги от Chris Evans

A Short History of Nearly Everything

Bill Bryson describes himself as a reluctant traveller, but even when he stays safely at home he can't contain his curiosity about the world around him. A Short History of Nearly Everything is his quest to understand everything that has happened from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization - how we got from there, being nothing at all, to here, being us. Bill Bryson's challenge is to take subjects that normally bore the pants off most of us, like geology, chemistry and particle physics, and see if there isn't some way to render them comprehensible to people who have never thought they could be interested in science.The ultimate eye-opening journey through time and space, A Short History of Nearly Everything is the biggest-selling popular science book of the 21st century, and reveals the world in a way most of us have never seen it before.
Chris Evans
I can't say it enough, Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything is AMAZING. It colors in my life in the most beautiful way. READ IT
Книги от Chris Evans


Соединив естественнонаучный подход с историческим, доктор Юваль Харари ставит под сомнение многие общепринятые идеи, обнаруживает связи между событиями прошлого и нашими сегодняшними опасениями и рассматривает отдельные события в едином глобальном контексте. Прослеживая, как развивающееся человечество влияло на глобальную экосистему и анализируя судьбы империй, доктор Харари заглядывает в будущее. За последние несколько десятилетий мы научились изменять закон естественного отбора, управлявший жизнью на протяжении 4 миллиардов лет, и у нас впервые появляется способность пересоздавать не только окружающий мир, но и самих себя. Кем же мы хотим стать, и куда это нас приведет?
Chris Evans
I’ve said it before and I’ll definitely say it in the future, the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari is truly mind-blowing. It’s changed the way I look at almost everything. I can’t endorse it enough.
Книги от Chris Evans

God Pharm

Thom Burke is everything a scientist shouldn't be: brash, sophomoric, and reckless. A genius millennial born with a silver spoon; all the potential but none of the drive. But when his academic project is revoked by a big UCSF donor, Thom throws away his privilege, jeopardizing his career to produce an illegal gene-modifying drug that could change someone's belief in God . . . by making them become one. What Thom doesn't realize is that a version of this drug has already been created - weaponized - and its creators will do everything in their power to suppress its knowledge. Even murder. Now Thom and his team must search for answers in a dangerous world filled with pious hackers, vengeful geneticists and impassioned assassins. Business, Church or State - only by entering the shadow domain of global power will Thom learn the grim truth of who truly controls our civilization. A book that is as terrifyingly real as it is fictitious, God Pharm promises to challenge the reader's perception of history and humanity, presenting a reality that may not be far from the truth.
Chris Evans
If you like fast-paced thrillers check out my good buddy Bennett Smith's new book God Pharm!
Книги от Chris Evans

Outside the Wire

A smart and revealing political memoir from a rising star of the Democratic Party. "In life and in politics, the most important work is often that which happens outside the wire." Going "outside the wire" -- military lingo for leaving the safety of a base -- has taught Jason Kander to take risks and make change rather than settling for the easy option. After you've volunteered to put your life on the line with and for your fellow Americans in Afghanistan, cynical politics and empty posturing back home just feel like an insult. Kander understands that showing political courage really just means doing the right thing no matter what. He won a seat in the Missouri Legislature at age twenty-seven and then, at thirty-one, became the first millennial in the country elected to statewide office. An unapologetic progressive from the heartland, he rejected conventional political wisdom and stood up to the NRA in 2016 with a now-famous Senate campaign ad in which he argued for gun reform while assembling a rifle blindfolded. That fearless commitment to service has placed him at the forefront of a new generation of American political leaders. In his final interview as President, Barack Obama pointed to Kander as the future of the Democratic Party. "...do something rather than be something..." In Outside the Wire, Jason Kander describes his journey from Midwestern suburban kid to soldier to politician and details what he's learned along the way: lessons imparted by his dad on the baseball diamond, wisdom gained outside the wire in Kabul, and cautionary tales witnessed under the Missouri Capitol dome. Kander faced down petty tyrants in Jefferson City -- no big deal after encountering real ones in Afghanistan. He put in 90,000 miles campaigning for statewide office in 2012 -- no sweat compared to the thirty-seven miles between Bagram Air Base and Camp Eggers. When confronted with a choice between what's easy and what's right, he's never hesitated. Outside the Wire is a candid, practical guide for anyone thinking about public service and everyone wishing to make a difference. It's a call to action, an entertaining meditation on the demands and rewards of civic engagement, and, ultimately, a hopeful vision for America's future -- all seen through the eyes of one of its most dedicated servants.
Chris Evans
I have the utmost respect for @JasonKander He’s a born leader with a good heart. I’m so thankful for his conviction and I can’t wait to read his book.
Cериалы от Chris Evans

Во все тяжкие

Вся жизнь немолодого школьного учителя химии Уолтера Уайта — это борьба. Его зарплаты не хватает на содержание беременной жены и сына-инвалида, поэтому учитель вынужден подрабатывать на автомойке. Но всё меняется, когда Уолтеру ставят страшный диагноз — неоперабельный рак лёгких.
Chris Evans
You can click on an episode Breaking Bad and wildly entertain.
Cериалы от Chris Evans

События прошедшей недели с Джоном Оливером

Джон Оливер не только телеведущий, но и отличный комик, поэтому его еженедельное ток-шоу наполнено сатирой и звонким юмором. Последние новости, общественные и политические события — ничто не ускользает от его зоркого взгляда. Серьезные темы здесь соседствуют с юмористическими скетчами, а в гости частенько заходят звезды кино и телевидения.
Chris Evans
John Oliver is brilliant. Last Week Tonight is my new favorite show.
Вещи от Chris Evans

Haribo Gold Gummi Bears Bags

Haribo Gold Gummi Bears Bags
Chris Evans
I’m a big candy guy. Skittles, Jelly Beans, gummy bears.
Вещи от Chris Evans

Jelly Belly Jelly Beans

Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
Chris Evans
Garbage food you love? I’m a big candy guy. Skittles, Jelly Beans, gummy bears.
Вещи от Chris Evans

Skittles Original Fruity Candy

Skittles Original Fruity Candy
Chris Evans
Garbage food you love? I’m a big candy guy. Skittles, Jelly Beans, gummy bears.
Вещи от Chris Evans

Ballast Point Brewery - Grapefruit Sculpin IPA

Ballast Point Brewery - Grapefruit Sculpin IPA
Chris Evans
Game day beer of choice? Any IPA. Ballast Point is great. They have a grapefruit IPA that’s fantastic. Refreshing with a surprisingly high alcohol content. Gets the job done.
Вещи от Chris Evans

Brigham's Ice Cream

Chris Evans
Brighams it the best. It's really good. The best ice cream on the planet.
Вещи от Chris Evans

Starburst Original Jellybeans Candy

Chris Evans
Starburst Jelly Beans are the best jelly beans ever.