Люди от Аветис


22 мая 2020


Герои книг и фильмов, которых хотелось бы встретить в жизни.
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Люди от Аветис

Эллис Бойд «Рэд» Рэддинг ("Побег из Шоушенка")

Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding is the best friend of Andy Dufresne and the narrator of the story. He appears in the novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and the film Shawshank Redemption, where he is played by Morgan Freeman. Red delivers contraband of almost any type (except, on his own principles, hard drugs and weapons) into Shawshank. This makes him an important man within the prison's social structure — and it is also the reason that he first becomes acquainted with Andy. Red said...
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Люди от Аветис

Энди Дюфрейн ("Побег из Шоушенка")

Andrew "Andy" Dufresne is a wrongfully-accused prisoner and the main protagonist in Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, as well as its film adaptation, where he was played by Tim Robbins. Andy is portrayed as intelligent, quiet and very honest, although very witty and personable when he wants to be. This is a great contrast to the other inmates, who are hardened criminals. Andy was a young, successful banker who was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover based on...
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Люди от Аветис

Джон Коффи ("Зелёная миля")

John Coffey is a protagonist character from the book The Green Mile. In the film adaptation, he was portrayed by the late actor Michael Clarke Duncan. He was an innocent inmate placed on deathrow at Cold Mountain Penitentiary for a crime he never committed. His date of birth is unknown. A first-person narrative told by Paul Edgecombe, the novel switches between Paul as an old man in the Georgia Pines nursing home sharing his story with fellow resident Elaine Connelly in 1996, and his time in...
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Люди от Аветис

Фрэнсис Долархайд ("Красный Дракон")

Francis Dolarhyde is a fictional character and the main antagonist of Thomas Harris' 1981 novel Red Dragon.[1]
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Люди от Аветис

Эркюль Пуаро

Пуаро не отличается скромностью и открыто называет себя великим человеком (в сериале ITV с Дэвидом Суше показано, что эта черта является для Пуаро своего рода маской, которой сыщик прикрывает свою личную уязвимость). Расследование он старается завершить драматическим финалом, иногда даже с театральными элементами. Именно поэтому он никогда не посвящает в свои выводы ни капитана Гастингса, ни инспектора Джеппа, а оставляет все подробности и решение очередной головоломки на «последний акт».
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Люди от Аветис

Джон Смит ("Мёртвая зона")

Although Stillson survives and Johnny is killed by his security detail, Stillson's attempt to use a child as a human shield ruins his political career, as the dying Johnny knows by grabbing Stillson's leg.
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