What's With Wheat? - 2016
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What's With Wheat?

Обновлено: 18 июля 2022
Cyndi O'Meara Justin Brown Justin Brown Justin Brown
Sarah Ballantyne Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride Pete Evans Professor Rodney Ford Leo Galland Sayer Ji Sally Fallon Morell Kim Morrison Cyndi O'Meara Dr. David Perlmutter Joel Salatin Dr. Stephanie Seneff Dr. Vandana Shiva Mark Sisson Dr. Terry Wahls
вестерн, военный, триллер, телевизионный фильм, фантастика, мелодрама, детектив, музыка, ужасы, история, фэнтези, семейный, драма, документальный, криминал, комедия, мультфильм, приключения, боевик
Страна: данных нет
Год: 2016
What's With Wheat? - 2016
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Why are so many people wheat-intolerant or sensitive to wheat? And why is wheat linked to so many modern-day health problems, when it has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years? In this documentary, a nutritionist interviews 14 experts, to understand how wheat has changed since it was first cultivated, how these changes could be affecting human health, and how people can break a dietary cycle that could be making them sick.