Waco: The Rules of Engagement - 1997
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Waco: The Rules of Engagement

Обновлено: 18 июля 2022
William Gazecki William Gazecki William Gazecki William Gazecki William Gazecki Dan Gifford Dan Gifford Rick Nyburg
Joe Biden Dan Gifford Clive Doyle Jack Harwell Joseph Penno Dick J. Reavis James D. Tabor David Thibodeau Sonny Bono Howard Coble John Conyers Graeme Craddock Dianne Feinstein Orrin Hatch David Koresh Tom Lantos Janet Reno Bob Ricks Steven Schiff David Somerville
вестерн, военный, триллер, телевизионный фильм, фантастика, мелодрама, детектив, музыка, ужасы, история, фэнтези, семейный, драма, документальный, криминал, комедия, мультфильм, приключения, боевик
Страна: данных нет
Год: 1997
Waco: The Rules of Engagement - 1997
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In one of the most tragic face-offs in the history of law enforcement, the deadly debacle at Waco pitted the Branch Davidian sect against the FBI in an all-out war. This documentary makes the most of footage and recordings to examine how the events that led to the tragedy of April 19, 1993, unfolded, and how the FBI's unrelenting approach made what was already a bad situation much worse.