Películas de Michael Jordan

The Man in the Iron Mask

Francia se muere de hambre, mientras el Rey Luis XIV (Leonardo DiCaprio) mantiene un reinado de terror. Sólo "los tres mosqueteros" (Jeremy lrons, John Malkovich y Gérard Depardieu) podrán salir al rescate. Su misión: liberar a un misterioso prisionero en La Bastilla, en cuya identidad radica el secreto que podrá salvar a la nación...
Michael Jordan
“I was watching, uh, Man in the Iron Face,” Jordan said, wrongly, as he came face-to-face with DiCaprio. “Iron Mask,” corrected the actor. Upon realizing DiCaprio was the same person he had just seen in the film, Jordan lit up: “He’s here!” the six-time finals MVP said to the crowd of people gathered around them, before addressing DiCaprio directly.
Películas de Michael Jordan

The Color Purple

Principios del siglo XX. Narra la historia de Celie, una adolescente negra de catorce años que está embarazada de su propio padre, un hombre despótico y cruel. A partir de entonces su vida estará llena de dolor y humillaciones.
Michael Jordan
What's your favorite movie of all time? Top 3? Pick 1, 2, 3? - Color Purple.
Películas de Michael Jordan

Malcolm X

Malcolm Little (1925–1965) nació en Omaha (Nebraska). Su padre, ministro baptista, murió siendo él niño, y su madre acabó en un psiquiátrico cuando el Ku Klux Klan incendió su casa. Después de ser rechazado por el ejército, cayó en la delincuencia y fue a parar a la cárcel. Allí se convirtió al Islam y cambió radicalmente su vida, convirtiéndose pronto en un carismático líder del movimiento de liberación de la comunidad negra norteamericana.
Michael Jordan
"Michael doesn't like to lose tiddlywinks!" Lee recounted to Simmons. So what was the director’s funding approach to the NBA star? Simple. He not only asked Jordan to contribute to his film, but he made sure to tell Jordan exactly how much Magic Johnson gave. "Johnson gave how much?" Lee remember Jordan yelling. Once he heard the amount his archrival contributed the star made sure to top it. Lee, and his film, was back in business. Thanks to the generosity – and the competitiveness - of Jordan and others, Lee was able to make the film the way he wanted.
Películas de Michael Jordan

Sugar Hill

In the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, the Mafia steps in when a drug dealer quits his partner brother to lead a straight life with his girlfriend.
Michael Jordan
For a man who had just lost his father, Jordan relayed how a Wesley Snipes movie where his character’s father also died led to the saddest day of his life.