Aficiones de Gigi Hadid


Parachuting is a method of transiting from a high point to Earth with the aid of gravity, involving the control of speed during the descent using a parachute or parachutes. It may involve more or less free-falling (the skydiving segment) which is a period when the parachute has not yet been deployed and the body gradually accelerates to terminal velocity.
Gigi Hadid
Hice paracaidismo una vez en Dubai. El salto del avión da más miedo que la caída. La vista es la mejor parte. Siempre me dije que si lo volvía a hacer, lo haría en un lugar diferente cada vez, porque esa perspectiva es única e inolvidable. Todavía me aterroriza, y por eso quiero volver a hacerlo. Es estimulante, y me gusta más el riesgo deportivo que cualquier otra cosa en la vida. Me gustaría visitar Nueva Zelanda o Islandia algún día, así que quizá lo haga en uno de esos lugares, si es que permiten el paracaidismo.
Aficiones de Gigi Hadid


Cooking or cookery is the art, technology, science and craft of preparing food for consumption. Cooking techniques and ingredients vary widely across the world, from grilling food over an open fire to using electric stoves, to baking in various types of ovens, reflecting unique environmental, economic, and cultural traditions and trends. Types of cooking also depend on the skill levels and training of cooks. Cooking is done both by people in their own dwellings and by professional cooks and chefs in restaurants and other food establishments. Cooking can also occur through chemical reactions without the presence of heat, such as in ceviche, a traditional South American dish where fish is cooked with the acids in lemon or lime juice. Preparing food with heat or fire is an activity unique to humans. It may have started around 2 million years ago, though archaeological evidence for it reaches no more than 1 million years ago. The expansion of agriculture, commerce, trade, and transportation between civilizations in different regions offered cooks many new ingredients. New inventions and technologies, such as the invention of pottery for holding and boiling water, expanded cooking techniques. Some modern cooks apply advanced scientific techniques to food preparation to further enhance the flavor of the dish served.
Gigi Hadid
No creo que cocinar pueda ser mi habilidad secreta porque estuve en MasterChef y gané. Estaba en la sección de moda y sabía que si hacía una hamburguesa (y la hacía muy bien), e impresionaba a Gordon Ramsay, que es el rey de las hamburguesas, ganaría. Soy una experta en hamburguesas y sabía que podía impresionarle.
Aficiones de Gigi Hadid


Equestrianism (from Latin equester, equestr-, equus, 'horseman', 'horse'), more often known as horse riding (British English) or horseback riding (American English), includes the disciplines of riding, driving, or vaulting with horses. This broad description includes the use of horses for practical working purposes, transportation, recreational activities, artistic or cultural exercises, and competitive sport.
Gigi Hadid
Yo era jinete, así que me encantaban los caballos olímpicos y tenía pósters de caballos en la pared.