Ciudades de Brian Chesky


is a designated city in the Kansai region of Japan. It is the capital city of Osaka Prefecture and the largest component of the Keihanshin Metropolitan Area, the second largest metropolitan area in Japan and among the largest in the world with more than 20 million inhabitants. Osaka was traditionally considered Japan's economic hub. By the Kofun period (300–538) it had developed into an important regional port, and in the 7th and 8th centuries it served briefly as the imperial capital. Osaka continued to flourish during the Edo period (1603–1867) and became known as a center of Japanese culture. Following the Meiji Restoration, Osaka greatly expanded in size and underwent rapid industrialization. In 1889, Osaka was officially established as a municipality. Today's Osaka is a major financial center of Japan. It is home to the Osaka Securities Exchange as well as the multinational electronics corporations Panasonic and Sharp. Famous landmarks in Osaka include Osaka Castle - which played a pivotal role in the Siege of Osaka and was featured in the 1980 American television mini-series "Shogun") and Shitennō-ji - the oldest Buddhist temple in Japan.
Brian Chesky
-¿Tienes ilusión por visitar alguna ciudad? - Mi novia y yo tenemos muchas ganas de ir a Osaka. El pasado abril pasamos una semana en Tokio descubriendo la comida de allí, pero la gente dice que Osaka tiene los mejores restaurantes del mundo.
Ciudades de Brian Chesky


Arles (also label=commune in the south of France, in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, of which it is a subprefecture, in the former province of Provence. A large part of the Camargue is located on the territory of the commune, making it the largest commune in Metropolitan France in terms of territory (though Maripasoula, French Guiana, is much larger). The city has a long history, and was of considerable importance in the Roman province of Gallia Narbonensis. The Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles were listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1981. The Dutch post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh lived in Arles from 1888 to 1889 and produced over 300 paintings and drawings during his time there. An international photography festival has been held in the city since 1970.
Brian Chesky
Durante mi viaje a Arlés me recordaron que cuando por fin nos detenemos, vemos lo que teníamos delante de nosotros todo el tiempo. Sólo entonces podemos experimentar el poder transformador de los viajes, que nos llevará por un camino que no termina cuando regresamos.