Películas de Bill Gates

Becoming Warren Buffett

The story of the evolution of a boy from Nebraska who became one of the most respected men in the world, and the heroes who helped guide him along the way. By allowing access to his life and never-before-released home videos, Buffett offers a glimpse into his unique mind to help us understand what is truly important when money no longer has meaning.
Bill Gates
Espero que todos vean esta película, incluso los que creen que conocen muy bien a Warren.
Películas de Bill Gates

He Named Me Malala

Un retrato íntimo de la activista paquistaní Malala Yousafzai. Ganadora del Premio Nobel de la Paz, la persona más joven que ha recibido tan reputado premio, Malala fue señalada como objetivo por los talibanes y padeció graves heridas por arma cuando retornaba a su casa, en el Val de Swat (Pakistán), en el autobús escolar. Este ataque provocó la queja de quienes la apoyaban en el mundo entero. Subsistió prodigiosamente y ahora, como cofundadora del Fondo Malala, es una señalada defensora de la educación de las pequeñas en el mundo entero. - See more at:
Bill Gates
Hace poco tuve la oportunidad de ver esta película con Phoebe, mi hija de 13 años, y una amiga suya. La película me pareció estupenda. Y a Phoebe también. Se sintió realmente inspirada por Malala y su misión de asegurarse de que todas las niñas puedan recibir una educación de alta calidad.
Películas de Bill Gates

The Great Gatsby

Nueva York en la loca década de 1920. Allí vive un joven, excéntrico y misterioso millonario, cuya única preocupación evidente consiste en organizar brillantes y fastuosas fiestas. Adaptación cinematográfica de la famosa novela homónima de F. Scott Fitzgerald, realizada en un momento en que estaba en auge la llamada moda 'retro'. Dirigida por un creador de atmósferas como era Jack Clayton ("El carnaval de las tinieblas"), la película tuvo un buen recibimiento por parte del público, sobre todo por estar protagonizada por dos estrellas como eran Robert Redford y Mia Farrow.
Bill Gates
También me gustan casi todas las películas que protagonizó él. Algunas de mis favoritas son Juego de espías, Los tres días del Cóndor, El golpe y El gran Gatsby. Si no las has visto, ¡te las recomiendo mucho! Yo he visto cada una de ellas por lo menos tres veces.
Películas de Bill Gates

The Sting

En Illinois, en 1936, dos ladrones dan un golpe a un hombre de confianza de un gángster y se embolsan un montón de dinero. El gángster decide vengarse y mata a uno de los que dieron el golpe, mientras que el otro logra escapar y entra en contacto con un ex compinche. Los dos deciden intentar un gran timo que hará temblar las finanzas del jefe de la mafia.
Bill Gates
También me gustan casi todas las películas que protagonizó él. Algunas de mis favoritas son Juego de espías, Los tres días del Cóndor, El golpe y El gran Gatsby. Si no las has visto, ¡te las recomiendo mucho! Yo he visto cada una de ellas por lo menos tres veces.
Películas de Bill Gates

Three Days of the Condor

Robert Redford es un oscuro funcionario de la CIA, cuyo trabajo consiste en leer libros con el fin de detectar mensajes cifrados que permitan descubrir operaciones secretas susceptibles de perturbar la estabilidad del país. Un día, cuando vuelve al trabajo después de comer, encuentra a todos sus compañeros muertos. Consciente de que sólo el azar lo ha salvado de una muerte segura, huye tratando de salvarse, pero también para encontrar una explicación a lo sucedido. En su fuga se verá impelido a secuestrar a una bella mujer (Faye Dunaway) con la que, además de compartir sus peripecias, vive una intensa historia de amor.
Bill Gates
También me gustan casi todas las películas que protagonizó él. Algunas de mis favoritas son Juego de espías, Los tres días del Cóndor, El golpe y El gran Gatsby. Si no las has visto, ¡te las recomiendo mucho! Yo he visto cada una de ellas por lo menos tres veces.
Películas de Bill Gates

Spy Game

Corre el año 1991, y al veterano agente de la CIA Nathan Muir tan sólo le queda un día para retirarse, cuando recibe la noticia de que aquel que fuera su discípulo, Tom Bishop, está en un buen lío. Hecho preso en una cárcel extranjera bajo la acusación de espionaje, Bishop ha sido hallado culpable y se prevé ejecutarlo en 24 horas. Temiendo un incidente de alcance internacional, la CIA decide que es muy arriesgado tratar de salvarlo. Así las cosas, todo depende de Muir. Habiendo toda una nueva generación al cargo de la Agencia, Muir, partidario de los antiguos métodos, está a punto de dejar de pertenecer a la organización a la que ha servido durante tantos años, y deberá hallar el modo de burlarla mientras batalla por conseguir más detalles acerca de la situación de Bishop.
Bill Gates
También me gustan casi todas las películas que protagonizó él. Algunas de mis favoritas son Juego de espías, Los tres días del Cóndor, El golpe y El gran Gatsby. Si no las has visto, ¡te las recomiendo mucho! Yo he visto cada una de ellas por lo menos tres veces.
Películas de Bill Gates

The Horse Whisperer

Grace (Scarlett Johansson) y su amiga Judith salen a dar un paseo a caballo y sufren un terrible accidente al ser atropelladas por un tráiler. Judith y su caballo mueren, mientras que Grace y el suyo (Pilgrim) resultan gravemente heridos. En un intento desesperado por recuperar a Pilgrim que, desde el accidente, se ha convertido en un caballo salvaje, Anie, la madre de Grace (Scott Thomas), decide ir a Montana a ver a Tom Booker (Robert Redford), un vaquero que posee una facultad especial para hablar y curar a los caballos.
Bill Gates
Él dirigió mi película favorita de todos los tiempos: “Gente corriente” (“Gente como uno”). También me encantan “El río de la vida” , “Quiz Show: El dilema” y “El hombre que susurraba a los caballos” (“El señor de los caballos”). Realmente me gustan todas las películas que ha dirigido.
Películas de Bill Gates

Quiz Show

Entre 1956 y 1959, Charles Van Doren, perteneciente a una prestigiosa familia de intelectuales y profesor de inglés de la universidad de Columbia, se convirtió en uno de los personajes más populares de Estados Unidos gracias a su participación en el concurso de televisión ”Twenty One”. Durante tres años contestó siempre las más variadas y difíciles preguntas. Pero, cuando su popularidad había llegado a todos los rincones del país, estalló el escándalo: uno de los concursantes eliminados denunció que el concurso estaba amañado.
Bill Gates
Él dirigió mi película favorita de todos los tiempos: “Gente corriente” (“Gente como uno”). También me encantan “El río de la vida” , “Quiz Show: El dilema” y “El hombre que susurraba a los caballos” (“El señor de los caballos”). Realmente me gustan todas las películas que ha dirigido.
Películas de Bill Gates

A River Runs Through It

Aunque Norman (Craig Sheffer) y Paul Mclean (Brad Pitt), hijos de un pastor protestante, recibieron una rígida educación, tambien disfrutaron de libertad. Norman, un joven juicioso y reservado, es profesor y está enamorado. Paul, en cambio, es extrovertido, se dedica al periodismo y lleva una vida desordenada. A pesar de todo, hay algo que siempre los mantendrá unidos: el río salvaje que atraviesa Montana, donde aprendieron a pescar.
Bill Gates
También me encanta “El río de la vida”.
Libros de Bill Gates

Should We Eat Meat?

Meat eating is often a contentious subject, whether considering the technical, ethical, environmental, political, or health-related aspects of production and consumption. This book is a wide-ranging and interdisciplinary examination and critique of meat consumption by humans, throughout their evolution and around the world. Setting the scene with a chapter on meat’s role in human evolution and its growing influence during the development of agricultural practices, the book goes on to examine modern production systems, their efficiencies, outputs, and impacts. The major global trends of meat consumption are described in order to find out what part its consumption plays in changing modern diets in countries around the world. The heart of the book addresses the consequences of the "massive carnivory" of western diets, looking at the inefficiencies of production and at the huge impacts on land, water, and the atmosphere. Health impacts are also covered, both positive and negative. In conclusion, the author looks forward at his vision of “rational meat eating”, where environmental and health impacts are reduced, animals are treated more humanely, and alternative sources of protein make a higher contribution. Should We Eat Meat? is not an ideological tract for or against carnivorousness but rather a careful evaluation of meat's roles in human diets and the environmental and health consequences of its production and consumption. It will be of interest to a wide readership including professionals and academics in food and agricultural production, human health and nutrition, environmental science, and regulatory and policy making bodies around the world.
Bill Gates
"I can’t think of anyone better equipped to present a clear-eyed analysis of this subject than Vaclav Smil." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates

Born in Blackness

Revealing the central yet intentionally obliterated role of Africa in the creation of modernity, Born in Blackness vitally reframes our understanding of world history. Traditional accounts of the making of the modern world afford a place of primacy to European history. Some credit the fifteenth-century Age of Discovery and the maritime connection it established between West and East; others the accidental unearthing of the “New World.” Still others point to the development of the scientific method, or the spread of Judeo-Christian beliefs; and so on, ad infinitum. The history of Africa, by contrast, has long been relegated to the remote outskirts of our global story. What if, instead, we put Africa and Africans at the very center of our thinking about the origins of modernity? In a sweeping narrative spanning more than six centuries, Howard W. French does just that, for Born in Blackness vitally reframes the story of medieval and emerging Africa, demonstrating how the economic ascendancy of Europe, the anchoring of democracy in the West, and the fulfillment of so-called Enlightenment ideals all grew out of Europe’s dehumanizing engagement with the “dark” continent. In fact, French reveals, the first impetus for the Age of Discovery was not—as we are so often told, even today—Europe’s yearning for ties with Asia, but rather its centuries-old desire to forge a trade in gold with legendarily rich Black societies sequestered away in the heart of West Africa. Creating a historical narrative that begins with the commencement of commercial relations between Portugal and Africa in the fifteenth century and ends with the onset of World War II, Born in Blackness interweaves precise historical detail with poignant, personal reportage. In so doing, it dramatically retrieves the lives of major African historical figures, from the unimaginably rich medieval emperors who traded with the Near East and beyond, to the Kongo sovereigns who heroically battled seventeenth-century European powers, to the ex-slaves who liberated Haitians from bondage and profoundly altered the course of American history. While French cogently demonstrates the centrality of Africa to the rise of the modern world, Born in Blackness becomes, at the same time, a far more significant narrative, one that reveals a long-concealed history of trivialization and, more often, elision in depictions of African history throughout the last five hundred years. As French shows, the achievements of sovereign African nations and their now-far-flung peoples have time and again been etiolated and deliberately erased from modern history. As the West ascended, their stories—siloed and piecemeal—were swept into secluded corners, thus setting the stage for the hagiographic “rise of the West” theories that have endured to this day. “Capacious and compelling” (Laurent Dubois), Born in Blackness is epic history on the grand scale. In the lofty tradition of bold, revisionist narratives, it reframes the story of gold and tobacco, sugar and cotton—and of the greatest “commodity” of them all, the twelve million people who were brought in chains from Africa to the “New World,” whose reclaimed lives shed a harsh light on our present world.
Bill Gates
I mean it as a compliment when I say that Born in Blackness left me wanting to know more.
Libros de Bill Gates

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • Sam and Sadie—two college friends, often in love, but never lovers—become creative partners in a dazzling and intricately imagined world of video game design, where success brings them fame, joy, tragedy, duplicity, and, ultimately, a kind of immortality. It is a love story, but not one you have read before. "Delightful and absorbing." —The New York Times • "Utterly brilliant." —John Green One of the Best Books of the Year: The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, TIME, GoodReads, Oprah Daily From the best-selling author of The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry: On a bitter-cold day, in the December of his junior year at Harvard, Sam Masur exits a subway car and sees, amid the hordes of people waiting on the platform, Sadie Green. He calls her name. For a moment, she pretends she hasn’t heard him, but then, she turns, and a game begins: a legendary collaboration that will launch them to stardom. These friends, intimates since childhood, borrow money, beg favors, and, before even graduating college, they have created their first blockbuster, Ichigo. Overnight, the world is theirs. Not even twenty-five years old, Sam and Sadie are brilliant, successful, and rich, but these qualities won’t protect them from their own creative ambitions or the betrayals of their hearts.Spanning thirty years, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Venice Beach, California, and lands in between and far beyond, Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow examines the multifarious nature of identity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect: to be loved and to love.
Bill Gates
Tomorrow was one of the biggest books of last year, and it’s easy to see why. Zevin is a great writer who makes you care deeply about her characters.
Libros de Bill Gates

The Lincoln Highway

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA TODAY Show Read with Jenna Book Club PickA New York Times Notable Book, and Chosen by Oprah Daily, Time, NPR, The Washington Post and Barack Obama as a Best Book of the Year“Wise and wildly entertaining . . . permeated with light, wit, youth.” —The New York Times Book Review “A classic that we will read for years to come.” —Jenna Bush Hager, Read with Jenna book club “A real joyride . . . elegantly constructed and compulsively readable.” – NPR The bestselling author of A Gentleman in Moscow and Rules of Civility and master of absorbing, sophisticated fiction returns with a stylish and propulsive novel set in 1950s AmericaIn June, 1954, eighteen-year-old Emmett Watson is driven home to Nebraska by the warden of the juvenile work farm where he has just served fifteen months for involuntary manslaughter. His mother long gone, his father recently deceased, and the family farm foreclosed upon by the bank, Emmett's intention is to pick up his eight-year-old brother, Billy, and head to California where they can start their lives anew. But when the warden drives away, Emmett discovers that two friends from the work farm have hidden themselves in the trunk of the warden's car. Together, they have hatched an altogether different plan for Emmett's future, one that will take them all on a fateful journey in the opposite direction—to the City of New York. Spanning just ten days and told from multiple points of view, Towles's third novel will satisfy fans of his multi-layered literary styling while providing them an array of new and richly imagined settings, characters, and themes.
Bill Gates
"Seems to be saying that our personal journeys are never as linear or predictable as we might hope." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates


'A brilliant, very funny, very revealing autobiography-through-music. Maybe the best book ever written about being a rockstar' CAITLIN MORAN_______________________________________________________________Bono - artist, activist and the lead singer of Irish rock band U2 - has written his autobiography: honest and irreverent, intimate and profound, Surrender is the story of the remarkable life he's lived, the challenges he's faced and the friends and family who have shaped and sustained him.'When I started to write this book I was hoping to draw in detail what I'd previously only sketched in songs. The people, places, and possibilities in my life. Surrender is a word freighted with meaning for me. Growing up in Ireland in the seventies with my fists up (musically speaking), it was not a natural concept. A word I only circled until I gathered my thoughts for the book. I am still grappling with this most humbling of commands. In the band, in my marriage, in my faith, in my life as an activist. Surrender is the story of one pilgrim's lack of progress ... With a fair amount of fun along the way.' - BonoAs one of the music world's most iconic artists and the cofounder of organizations ONE and (RED), Bono's career has been written about extensively. But in Surrender, Bono's autobiography, he picks up the pen, writing for the first time about his remarkable life and those he has shared it with. In his unique voice, Bono takes us from his early days growing up in Dublin, including the sudden loss of his mother when he was 14, to U2's unlikely journey to become one of the world's most influential rock bands, to his more than 20 years of activism dedicated to the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty. Writing with candour, self-reflection, and humour, Bono opens the aperture on his life - and the family, friends and faith that have sustained, challenged and shaped him.Surrender's subtitle, "40 Songs, One Story," is a nod to the book's 40 chapters, which are each named after a U2 song. Bono has also created 40 original drawings for Surrender which will appear throughout the book.
Bill Gates
"A super fun read about how a boy from the suburbs of Dublin grew up to become a world-famous rock star and philanthropist." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates

Hit Refresh: A Memoir by Microsoft’s CEO

The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft’s Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, while tracing his own journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant changes of the digital era. LONGLISTED FOR THE FT & MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD Satya Nadella grew up in India, studied in the US and went on to become Microsoft’s third CEO after Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. In Hit Refresh he offers a unique view of the transformation happening inside one of the world’s most iconic tech companies, and the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced – including artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. Nadella examines how people, organisations and societies can and must transform – ‘hit refresh’ – in their persistent quest for new energy, new ideas, and continued relevance and renewal. Yet at its core, this book is about humans, and how one of our essential qualities – empathy – will become ever more valuable in a world where technological advancement will alter the status quo as never before.
Bill Gates
"Has charted a course for making the most of the opportunities created by technology while also facing up to the hard questions." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates

How Asia Works

“A good read for anyone who wants to understand what actually determines whether a developing economy will succeed.” —Bill Gates, “Top 5 Books of the Year” An Economist Best Book of the Year from a reporter who has spent two decades in the region, and who the Financial Times said “should be named chief myth-buster for Asian business.” In How Asia Works, Joe Studwell distills his extensive research into the economies of nine countries—Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and China—into an accessible, readable narrative that debunks Western misconceptions, shows what really happened in Asia and why, and for once makes clear why some countries have boomed while others have languished. Studwell’s in-depth analysis focuses on three main areas: land policy, manufacturing, and finance. Land reform has been essential to the success of Asian economies, giving a kick-start to development by utilizing a large workforce and providing capital for growth. With manufacturing, industrial development alone is not sufficient, Studwell argues. Instead, countries need “export discipline,” a government that forces companies to compete on the global scale. And in finance, effective regulation is essential for fostering, and sustaining growth. To explore all of these subjects, Studwell journeys far and wide, drawing on fascinating examples from a Philippine sugar baron’s stifling of reform to the explosive growth at a Korean steel mill. “Provocative . . . How Asia Works is a striking and enlightening book . . . A lively mix of scholarship, reporting and polemic.” —The Economist
Bill Gates
"A good read for anyone who wants to understand what actually determines whether a developing economy will succeed." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates

That Used to Be Us

America is in trouble. We face four major challenges on which our future depends, and we are failing to meet them—and if we delay any longer, soon it will be too late for us to pass along the American dream to future generations. In That Used to Be Us, Thomas L. Friedman, one of our most influential columnists, and Michael Mandelbaum, one of our leading foreign policy thinkers, offer both a wake-up call and a call to collective action. They analyze the four challenges we face—globalization, the revolution in information technology, the nation's chronic deficits, and our pattern of excessive energy consumption—and spell out what we need to do now to sustain the American dream and preserve American power in the world. They explain how the end of the Cold War blinded the nation to the need to address these issues seriously, and how China's educational successes, industrial might, and technological prowess remind us of the ways in which "that used to be us." They explain how the paralysis of our political system and the erosion of key American values have made it impossible for us to carry out the policies the country urgently needs. And yet Friedman and Mandelbaum believe that the recovery of American greatness is within reach. They show how America's history, when properly understood, offers a five-part formula for prosperity that will enable us to cope successfully with the challenges we face. They offer vivid profiles of individuals who have not lost sight of the American habits of bold thought and dramatic action. They propose a clear way out of the trap into which the country has fallen, a way that includes the rediscovery of some of our most vital traditions and the creation of a new thirdparty movement to galvanize the country. That Used to Be Us is both a searching exploration of the American condition today and a rousing manifesto for American renewal.
Bill Gates
"I mostly agree with their message that the answers to America’s economic challenges are to be found in its past." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates


NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE • NAMED ONE OF TIME’S TEN BEST NONFICTION BOOKS OF THE DECADE • One of the most acclaimed books of our time, this modern classic “has set a new standard for reporting on poverty” (Barbara Ehrenreich, The New York Times Book Review).In Evicted, Princeton sociologist and MacArthur “Genius” Matthew Desmond follows eight families in Milwaukee as they each struggle to keep a roof over their heads. Hailed as “wrenching and revelatory” (The Nation), “vivid and unsettling” (New York Review of Books), Evicted transforms our understanding of poverty and economic exploitation while providing fresh ideas for solving one of twenty-first-century America’s most devastating problems. Its unforgettable scenes of hope and loss remind us of the centrality of home, without which nothing else is possible. NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY President Barack Obama • The New York Times Book Review • The Boston Globe • The Washington Post • NPR • Entertainment Weekly • The New Yorker • Bloomberg • Esquire • BuzzFeed • Fortune • San Francisco Chronicle • Milwaukee Journal Sentinel • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • Politico • The Week • Chicago Public Library • BookPage • Kirkus Reviews • Library Journal • Publishers Weekly • Booklist • Shelf AwarenessWINNER OF: The National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction • The PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Nonfiction • The Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction • The Hillman Prize for Book Journalism • The PEN/New England Award • The Chicago Tribune Heartland PrizeFINALIST FOR THE LOS ANGELES TIMES BOOK PRIZE AND THE KIRKUS PRIZE“Evicted stands among the very best of the social justice books.”—Ann Patchett, author of Bel Canto and Commonwealth “Gripping and moving—tragic, too.”—Jesmyn Ward, author of Salvage the Bones “Evicted is that rare work that has something genuinely new to say about poverty.”—San Francisco Chronicle
Bill Gates
"Gave me a better sense of what it is like to be very poor in this country than anything else I have read." - Bill Gates
Libros de Bill Gates

How to Lie with Statistics

Bill Gates
"A great introduction to the use of statistics, and a great refresher for anyone who’s already well versed in it." - Bill Gates
Series de Bill Gates


Borgen es una serie televisiva danesa emitida por la cadena pública Danmarks Radio. Narra las interioridades de la política danesa a través de Birgitte Nyborg, quien se convierte en la primera mujer en llegar al cargo de Primer Ministro de Dinamarca. "Borgen" es el término coloquial con el que se conoce al Palacio de Christiansborg, sede de los tres poderes del estado y oficina del Primer Ministro.
Bill Gates
Borgen (available on Netflix in the U.S.). I’ve binged all four seasons of this Danish political drama. Named for the palace in Copenhagen where the Danish government is based, it follows the country’s (fictional) first female prime minister as she navigates a complex political landscape.
Series de Bill Gates

I, Claudius

Miniserie de TV de 13 episodios. Claudio, Emperador de Roma, viendo aproximarse el final de su vida, decide escribir la historia de su familia (dinastía julio-claudia) desde el año 50 a.C. al 50 d.C. La Sibila ha profetizado que esta historia llegará a la posteridad. Adaptación del texto del célebre escritor e historiador Robert Graves, y que presenta, con finas dosis de humor y un toque de inocencia, al emperador Claudio y su visión de aquellos turbulentos años.
Bill Gates
Después de leer una buena crítica en The Economist estoy planeando ver por fin “Yo, Claudio'', es una serie de la BBC de los años 70 sobre el imperio romano. He leído mucho sobre esta época, pero esta serie parece tener una visión interesante sobre la misma.
Series de Bill Gates


Un asesor financiero arrastra a su familia de Chicago hasta Misuri con la misión de lavar 500 millones de dólares en cinco años para apaciguar a un capo de la droga.
Bill Gates
Algunas de las series que Melinda y yo vemos juntos son “A Million Little Things”, “This Is Us” (“Así somos”) y “Ozark”.
Series de Bill Gates

Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak

Una docuserie para conocer a los héroes al frente de la batalla contra la gripe y los esfuerzos que hacen para detener el próximo brote mundial.
Bill Gates
“Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak”. Esta serie documental de Netflix nos cuenta la historia de cuatro personas que trabajan muy duro en distintas partes del mundo para prevenir epidemias. Dado que la serie se rodó hace tiempo, los episodios no se centran en el coronavirus, sino en la gripe, al que consideraban como el culpable más probable de un gran brote. Pero “Pandemic” sigue dando una idea del inspirador trabajo que médicos, investigadores y trabajadores humanitarios están haciendo para prevenir todo lo que estamos viviendo ahora.
Series de Bill Gates

The Americans

Drama de época sobre el complejo matrimonio de dos espías del KGB que se hacen pasar por estadounidenses en los suburbios de Washington DC poco después de que Ronald Reagan fuese elegido presidente. El matrimonio concertado de Philip y Elizabeth Jennings, que tienen dos hijos que no saben nada acerca de la identidad secreta de sus padres, se vuelve más apasionado y sincero cada día, pero está constantemente a prueba por la intensificación de la Guerra Fría y las íntimas, peligrosas y oscuramente divertidas relaciones que deben mantener con una red de espías y chivatos bajo su control.
Bill Gates
Vi la serie “The Americans'' con mi hijo (es demasiado violenta para Melinda).
Series recomendado por Bill Gates
6 series

6 Series Favoritas de Bill Gates

He visto “Narcos” solo. “Billions”,”Miénteme”, “Friday Night Lights”, “American Vandal”, “Black Mirror”.
Bill Gates
He visto “Narcos” solo. “Billions”,”Miénteme”, “Friday Night Lights”, “American Vandal”, “Black Mirror”.
Series recomendado por Bill Gates
3 series

3 Series que Bill y Melinda Gates Ven Juntos

Melinda y yo vemos cosas como “Silicon Valley”, “This is Us” (“Así somos”), “A Million Little Things”.
Bill Gates
Melinda y yo vemos cosas como “Silicon Valley”, “This is Us” (“Así somos”), “A Million Little Things”.
Canciones recomendado por Bill Gates
16 canciones

Bill Gates' Summer Playlist - Part 2

This Spotify playlist includes many of Bill Gates' favorites songs. Enjoy!
Bill Gates
This Spotify playlist includes many of Bill Gates' favorites songs. Enjoy!
Canciones recomendado por Bill Gates
15 canciones

Bill Gates' Summer Playlist - Part 1

This Spotify playlist includes many of Bill Gates' favorites songs. Enjoy!
Bill Gates
This Spotify playlist includes many of Bill Gates' favorites songs. Enjoy!
Canciones de Bill Gates

The Beatles

Bill Gates
Dejé de escuchar música y ver la televisión a los 20 años. Suena extremo, pero lo hice porque pensé que sólo me iba a distraer de los pensamientos sobre el software. Ese periodo de apagón duró solo unos cinco años, y hoy en día soy un gran fan de las series como Narcos y escucho mucho a U2, Willie Nelson y los Beatles.
Canciones de Bill Gates

Willie Nelson

Bill Gates
Dejé de escuchar música y ver la televisión a los 20 años. Suena extremo, pero lo hice porque pensé que sólo me iba a distraer de los pensamientos sobre el software. Ese periodo de apagón duró solo unos cinco años, y hoy en día soy un gran fan de las series como Narcos y escucho mucho a U2, Willie Nelson y los Beatles.
Canciones de Bill Gates


Bill Gates
Dejé de escuchar música y ver la televisión a los 20 años. Suena extremo, pero lo hice porque pensé que sólo me iba a distraer de los pensamientos sobre el software. Ese periodo de apagón duró solo unos cinco años, y hoy en día soy un gran fan de las series como Narcos y escucho mucho a U2, Willie Nelson y los Beatles.
Canciones de Bill Gates


Bill Gates
Pensé que los músicos no sabían realmente sobre todas estas cosas de la salud, pero nos reunimos, y me sorprendió que él supiera todo sobre esto y leyera todo sobre ello. Así que comenzamos una colaboración y él ha sido absolutamente increíble. (20 m 50 s)
Canciones de Bill Gates

Are You Experienced?

Bill Gates
Paul Allan estaba mucho más metido en la música que yo. El cantante que más le gustaba era Jimmy Hendrix y como yo era más joven pues él a veces soltaba bromeando el título de la canción "Are you experienced", era una de nuestras favoritas. (16 m 50 s)
Canciones de Bill Gates


Bill Gates
Mis hijos de 19, 16 y 13 años de edad refrescan mi gusto musical al sintonizar la radio o poner las canciones en su teléfono. Esta es la que le gusta a mi hija Phoebe de 13 años, Ed Sheeran tiene un montón de buenas canciones. (12 m 15 s)
Canciones de Bill Gates

Blue Skies

Bill Gates
A mi mujer Melinda y a mí nos encanta Willie Nelson, así que como regalo sorpresa para ella la noche antes de casarnos hice que apareciera. Estábamos en una playa de Hawai y él se paseó por la playa con su guitarra. Una de nuestras canciones favoritas es esta. (8m35s)
Canciones de Bill Gates

Under Pressure - Remastered

Bill Gates
Es "Under pressure" de David Bowie y Queen. Trabajábamos mucho en los tiempos cuando tenía entre 20 y 30 años, pero había algunos viernes y sábados en los que íbamos a la discoteca a bailar, así que me recuerda a esa época de discoteca con un poco de libertad del fin de semana. (4 min 20 s)
Productos de Bill Gates

Catan 5th Edition Board Game with Catan 5-6 Player Extension Bundle

INCLUDES CATAN (5th Edition) AND CATAN 5-6 PLAYER EXTENSION PLUS STORAGE POUCH: A perfect game night or gift set bundle for Catan lovers. CATAN 5th EDITION: aka Settlers of Catan, Winner of "Game of the Century" Award, new graphics, board, cards and expanded rule book. CATAN EXTENSION 5-6 PLAYER: This extension set allows 5-6 players to play Catan. DRAWSTRING MUSLIN STORAGE POUCH: handy 5"x7.5" pouch holds game pieces and cards for easy storage and travel. GREAT FOR GAME NIGHTS: 60 minute playing time, fun for all, for up to 6 players, everything you need for a Catan night with friends
Bill Gates
Este juego de mesa de construcción de civilizaciones es uno de los favoritos de mi familia. Melinda, nuestros hijos y yo hemos pasado muchas horas sentados alrededor de la mesa intercambiando recursos, construyendo carreteras y elaborando estrategias para ser los primeros en alcanzar 10 puntos de victoria.
Productos de Bill Gates

Bicycle Bridge Standard Index Playing Cards - 1 Red Deck and 1 Blue Deck

Bundle of 2 Decks. Quality Bicycle Brand Playing Cards. Bridge Standard Index Playing Cards
Bill Gates
Mis padres han sido los primeros en enseñarme a jugar al bridge, pero empecé a disfrutarlo de verdad después de jugar con Warren Buffett. Se necesita una mezcla de estrategia y trabajo en equipo para hacerlo bien. Siempre encontramos tiempo para jugar unas cuantas partidas cuando nos vemos.