TV Shows recommended by Тася Колчина

Российские сериалы

24 Apr 2020

Тася Колчина

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TV Shows from Тася Колчина


The year 1829. Nikolay Gogol, a young Third Section clerk, is desperate: his own books seem shallow and mediocre, so he keeps buying entire print runs just to burn them all. He is suffering from violent epileptic seizures and struggles to keep on working. Investigator Yakov Guro accidentally witnesses one such fit and realizes that Gogol's visions contain clues that could help solve actual crimes. Together, Gogol and Guro take on a particularly weird and baffling case that brings them to a small village of Dikanka, where everyone has a huge secret to hide.
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TV Shows from Тася Колчина


An epic saga which takes place over a long time span from 1961 to 1991. From the midpoint of the story we view the friendship of four boys. In season main heroes are in their 20's, they are childhood friends, and for the sake of their friendship they are ready to sacrifice anything. Everyone has their own dreams, but their circumstances will take them on a difficult path and they will be forced into all kinds of underground economic dealings in the early 60s. And, worst of all - they are successful in this business. And the more successful they are, the further they get from their real dreams.
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TV Shows from Тася Колчина

Квест (телесериал) — Википедия

Платная интернет-премьера второго 8-серийного сезона состоялась на сайте Megafon.TV в конце декабря 2016 года[2].
TV Shows from Тася Колчина

Закон каменных джунглей

Four guys from the outskirts of Moscow decide to make easy money - to overtake a car with stolen cargo inside. Not really thinking about the consequences, they make one mistake after another, and very soon they have serious problems with the law. Now there is no turning back, and in order to survive, four friends need to stick together at all costs.
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TV Shows from Тася Колчина

Выжить после

A drug company, attempting to create a perfect human race, releases a virus which proves to be deadly. People are dying by the thousands, but eleven strangers, who wake up in a bunker with no memory of how they got there, find themselves responsible for determining the future of all mankind.
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TV Shows from Тася Колчина


Герои «Деффчонок» — четыре подруги, приехавшие из Саратова и снимающие квартиру в Москве в районе Отрадное по адресу улица Хачатуряна, дом 5: мечтательная, хозяйственная Маша (Бобылыч), её 17-летняя шустрая сестрёнка Василиса (Вася), умная Катя (Пална) и профессиональная блондинка Лёля. Каждая хочет от жизни своего: хорошего замужества, вселенской популярности, успешной карьеры, богатого ухажёра…
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