Movies recommended by Sarah Silverman

Sarah Silverman's Movie Recommendations

Sarah Silverman

Here is movie recommendations from Sarah Silverman!
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Movies from Sarah Silverman

Pay or Die

Diabetes, The U.S. Healthcare system, and Big Pharma. Watch the documentary
Movies from Sarah Silverman

Natural Selection

Just saw a great movie called Natural Selection-- @NatSelTheMovie -- find it &see it- it's an emergency- @RachaelEHarris is incredible
Movies from Sarah Silverman

Brittany Runs a Marathon

Okay so I just saw #brittanyrunsamarathon and laughed so hard and now am sobbing.
Movies from Sarah Silverman

Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance

I’m genuinely enjoying the Harry&Megan lifetime movie and I was not high when I started watching it
Movies from Sarah Silverman

Band of Robbers

The Brothers Nee made this movie & I love it & it's on iTunes.