Music recommended by Noah Centineo

Noah Centineo - 7 Songs of His Life

Noah Centineo

Noah made a playlist of music that is connected to every stage of his life and here is the full list.
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Music from Noah Centineo
Couldn't be better by Artie. The final one is representative of my life right now specifically because Artie who did the song is one of my closest friends. I've been going to shows with him and that's really it's just been special and it resembles my group of friends right now.
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Music from Noah Centineo

Holy Grail — JAY-Z, Justin Timberlake

Holy Grail by Jay-z featuring Justin Timberlake. I had lived in LA for about two years and I discovered Holy Grail and the Magna Carta album when I went to Toronto to film Disney Channel original movie. It's the first time I left the country to shoot something and I was on my own and I was 17. This album was on repeat the entire time.
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Music from Noah Centineo
Scary monsters and nice sprites by Skrillex this was the first song I ever heard that introduced me to the whole electric dance music, dubstep, trance, trap and it just opened the floodgates. This was when I still lived in Florida but like right before I moved to LA.
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Music from Noah Centineo
People of the Sun by Rage Against the Machine, I loved this album so much that I would listen to it as my lullaby all through middle school and into high school even.
Music from Noah Centineo

Elevation — U2

Elevation by U2.We had U2 playing live in Chicago. We had the DVD, so at least once a week for the first 11 years of my life probably, we would just watch them late at night and watch them perform. When Elevation would come on and I would just like run circles around the couch in my living room screaming the song.
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Music from Noah Centineo
Fix you - Coldplay. My parents loved Coldplay. I grew up with this song playing in my house and I remember (being a little older) every album they've ever put out I've always liked listening to religiously.
Music from Noah Centineo

1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins

This song is 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins. This song came out the year before I was born. My dad always loved the Smashing Pumpkins. I remember just always hearing it in the house. Good memories.